Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Troy's Birthday

Troy turned 9 last week!

We all celebrated by dancing and singing tunes on Rock Star!

Grandma came over too!

Weeks before Troy's party all he talked about was picking out an Oreo cake. 

When we got to the store, he changed his mind, and went with cupcakes!

He had a great 9th Birthday and is now a Minecraft player too.

Happy Birthday, Troy!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Mississenewa Camping Trip

Troy had asked to go camping for his birthday.  I'm not sure we took along enough stuff!  :)

Our destination was Mississenewa Reservoir.  Troy helped to pick out the campsite.

We camped next to some crawdad holes.

Troy did real good setting up his tent.

He brought his pocket knife and was glad to have plenty of opportunities to use it.

After setting up camp, I was ready to fish. (Natch; When ain't I?)

The water level seemed fairly low.

Troy was fascinated by the dam.

Surprisingly, we ran into our friends Bubba and Kyle there.

We fished just downstream from the outlet a bit.

Troy was into collecting rocks.

Bubba and his son, Kyle, caught a bunch of crappie.  The crappie were right under the surface.  I don't know how those fish could see anything in that muddy water.

After a few hours we went back to camp for lunch.

Troy widdled us a real nice roasting stick.


Filled with cheese.

Troy mastered the art of roasting stuff on this trip!

We even roasted dessert!

Ya know marshmallows get kinda hollow when they melt?  We put Rolos in em while they were hot.

Then ate the melty mess of goodness on top of apple slices.

It's like, the best caramel/chocolate/marshmellow apple ever!

Warm 'n gooooey!

We did a little morel hunting after lunch, but didn't have any luck.

We got the fly rods out that evening and caught the same crazy sun fish about 200 times! 

It seemed like every time I went to back cast, I had THAT BABY on there!

It crossed my mind to put THAT BABY on a big hook.  Especially after it swallowed the entire fly.

We got in the truck to go to the catfish hole; before we got there, Troy was asleep.  All the fish we caught were released.

The next day, we went back to below the dam and fished closer to the discharge.  Troy enjoyed climbing the HUGE hill.  Do you see him?

I started off using the fly rod and it didn't take long for me to get the technique down.

I think I was the only one in that area with a fly rod.

We moved around frequently in search of bigger crappie.

This was our lucky spot:

A drone flew over and spied on us:

Troy and his buddies were into exploring.

That evening he made us supper.

Marshmallows and weenies-- it's whats for supper!

Troy made us some fancy appetizers too.

The weather was perfect for camping.

Troy and I set up our sleeping bags outside of the tents and counted stars.

When it was time to turn in, Troy wanted to sleep in my tent, so he could better protect me from the critters (bears and wild beasts).  (He did have a pocket knife and all.)   :)

The next morning, Troy got up at sunrise! 

He turned on the tunes and started jammin away!

I was a bit less energetic than that, at the wee hours of daylight.

Troy made us fire roasted doughnuts for breakfast.  Yeah, every edible thing got roasted!

We had a great time and felt like we could conquer anything at the end of the trip.

Maybe we could even figure out how to fold our tents back up!!!  :)  That's prolly pushing it!