Monday, April 6, 2015

Fruit Salsa

Hey Everyone! 

Time seems to be passing faster than I can keep up with! I hope Y'all had a great Easter!  I tried a new recipe-- Fruit Salsa!

Fruit Salsa is a zesty blend of sweet flavors that pairs well with cinnamon 'n sugar chips.  To begin with, zest a lemon.

Next, chop up a couple of Granny Smith apples and squeeze lemon juice over them.

The hardest parts are now completed; yay!  Add chopped strawberries, fresh raspberries, and a few spoonfuls of raspberry jam, then mix it all up. Done and Delicious!

It's a little sweet and a little sour.  However, Y'all can add more or less jam to cater to your own tastes.

The kids enjoyed this with cinnamon 'n sugar pita chips.  I preferred this delight of fruit concoction, right off the spoon.

I also think it would pair very well with cottage cheese. 

If a person wanted to make there own pita chips, they sure could.  Just lightly butter and sprinkle pita bread with sugar 'n cinnamon and toast in the oven till it's crispy.

Oh, this is good stuff!

The next morning, there was actually a little dab of the fruit salsa that I happened to find in a separate container tucked away in the far back corner of the fridge. ;)  It made for a delicious topping on a peanut butter bagel!

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