Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Sophie's Haircut

Sophie was ready for her day of pampering at the dog spa!

After dropping her off, I cruised over to Rogers-Lakewood Park in Valparaiso.

I caught the cutest little pike!!!

Or so I thought it was a pike.

In actuality it is a baby pickerel.  Still cute though.  I didn't know that it wasn't a pike until after I texted a few friends, and then looked up how to tell the difference.  The dark line by the eye is the give-a-way.

Other than the false pike-ing, I got some gills and a redear.

The day was gorgeous out; turtles thought so too!

Sunny and Springy. :)

Sophie, my Shihtzu, turned Chihuahua, went crazy by running about the house.  I guess her spa day/new haircut made her feel happy! 

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