Thursday, July 23, 2015


During the later part of our stay in Plainfield, Indiana, Troy and I ventured over to the nearby town of Avon.

The fish were biting like crazy.  Sadly, this one had bumps all over it:

Most of the fish we caught there looked to be very healthy.

The redears seemed to be extra aggressive. :-)

The park was full of awesome places to fish. Our favorite two spots were above the dam, and below the dam. (there's a shocker!)

It was fun watching the water rush through the dam and the fish trying to swim it.  We also watched, what appeared to be, crawdads having a family reunion near one of the pillars.

We caught several white crappies below the dam.

While fishing below the dam, as soon as the fly got to the right spot in the water (the bubble highway), we set the hook.  We couldn't even feel a bite with the strong current till it was too late.  Our method of willynilly setting the hook, worked like a charm!

Who's job is it to clear the rubble?  Eww.  Just kidding, I think the fish actually liked hiding in that mess.

Troy liked being able to see those fish strike, and we went back to the ole trusty, white, top water, spider!

Troy and I were catching really nice gills!

We made a few friends that day too.  Such as a very friendly turtle.  We couldn't believe he didn't scurry away.  Even when I had a fish hooked and was bringing it in right next to his sunbathing log.  The turtle seemed to be very entertained by the whole ordeal.

That afternoon, we went exploring another park, located across the highway from where we were.  Another turtle greeted us, and I had to get out of the truck and help him cross the street, cause I only had 3/4 of a tank of gas left!

The other park was pretty too.

We fished the little pond with the water fountain.  The park had spots to fish the river as well (White Lick, I think).  However, it was still too high and murky.

We fished well into the afternoon and had an awesome time exploring the parks! :-)

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