Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Mom's Birthday Cobbler

Summer seems to be in full swing here in Northwest Indiana, as the wild black raspberries have begun to ripen!  

The kids and I went berry picking.  

Along this particular stretch of road, we had to employ the buddy system in order to reach the berries.

Reaching the berries without getting wet, that is.

The ditch doesn't look so big in the pics, but no one really wanted to fall in it that day.

The berries seem to be a bit slow to ripen this year.

We were not able to find enough ripe berries along the side of the road, so we went hiking at the park.


It has become a tradition to go berry picking for Mom's birthday, as the timing usually works out great.  The berries tend to be good and ripe on June 28th.

We did find some berries, but still, not enough ripe ones!

We found a cute little bunny watching us. ^

The creek was high, and much of the berry picking areas were not easy to get to.

We hiked in the pouring rain and contemplated a new plan.

The new plan was going back to the old farm house woods and berry picking.

We did, and those were the best berries yet!

  Perfect!  Why didn't we do this to begin with?

Back at the house, I whipped up a birthday gift for Mom.

Butter, flour, milk, n sugar.

Then mix in the BERRIES!

And bake it.

Simple as can be, and sooo delicious!

Mom was thrilled!

I think every year I have been home, I have made Mom a black raspberry treat for her birthday.

That's how it's done!

  • 1 stick Butter
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 1 cup Self-Rising Flour
  • 1 cup Milk
  • 3 cups Black Raspberries
Preparation Instructions
Melt butter in a microwavable dish. Pour 1 cup of sugar and flour into a mixing bowl, whisking in milk. Mix well. Then, pour in melted butter and whisk it all well together. Butter a baking dish.
Now rinse the berries. Gently mix the berries into the batter. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 1 hour, or until golden and bubbly. If you desire, sprinkle an additional teaspoon of sugar over the cobbler 10 minutes before it’s done.

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