Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Browsing the MEN'S Room

Hey Ya'all! 

Sorry for the lapse in posts.  I've been rather tied up with moving lately.  Also, the new house didn't have Internet until recently.  I'm connected now though! :)

Sooo, three truckloads and several worn out friends later I am now moved to Westville, Indiana.  Almost... I still have one last trip and a few things left to bring.  Good thing I sold most of the furniture!  :)    Seriously!

Dustball wasn't thrilled with the move.  He sang for the entire three hour drive-- MEeeeeOooowww!

I drove my truck and hauled the pontoon.  On the first corner I accidentally clipped a ONE WAY sign.  Dang it, those signs make lots of noise against a metal pontoon.  Eh, at least I was going the right way.

Sophie wasn't thrilled with the move either, she has been giving me the evil eye lately.

Let me tell ya though, it was good to be back home.  The first stop at home was the park in Westville. We waited there and picked berries, while Glenn went to get the key to the house.

I had no idea what the place we are moving into would be like.  As our planned housing isn't ready for us yet.

Also, when the state prepares your housing, you really never know what you'll get. 

I have stayed in everything from the barracks of a cell house to military housing of elected officials.  It's an adventure... like camping.

The nice thing about living at prison housing is there isn't any worries about funds to keep the place up.  Everything is taken care of.  If a pipe bursts, inmates come fix it.  If the yard needs mowed, inmates mow it.

Well Folks, here is my new house:

After taking a quick look around the small two bedroom house, we helped Jean move into Grandma's house, as planned.  John and Thomas gave us a hand.

Would Ya'all like to see the inside of the new pad?  Here's the living room:  (Moving is messy Folks!)


Kitchen and my sister, Veronica:

Little bedroom, (love the built-ins):

At first I thought the kids could share a room.  They can't, not peacefully anyways.  :-/ 

 Luckily, there is an office, which is now Gladdie's room.  It's off the living room.

I found some comfy secondhand furniture.

Good thing I photographed it, as I have a feeling it won't remain white for long.

Sophie likes it, she is now into keeping the house squirrel-free.

This last trip to Pendleton and back, Veronica, aka Roni, and Mom, went with me to help out/entertain. 

Roni suffers from multiple sclerosis, but she doesn't let it bother her.  In fact, I was concerned, because she just had a major seizure right before the trip.  Anyways, we made our first road trip stop at a gas station.  I walk in and expect to see Roni and she is nowhere to be found.  We checked the ladies room--nope.  Finally we spotted her coming out of the MEN'S room!  I asked her, "What were you doing in the MEN'S room?". She replied, "Just Browsing".  True Story!

Yeah, you men out there can thank me now.  I kept better tabs on Roni the rest of the trip.  :)

I still had Mom to deal with.  Mom, my very own mother, is Trouble.

The two of them (Mom and Roni) combined is dangerous, and then ya throw in a dash of Jean-- yikes!  I'm surprised I survived the trip.

The first night at the hotel we almost got kicked out for riding the luggage carts in the hall.  Let me clear that up-- Mom, Roni and Jean were riding on a luggage cart. 

Then I decided to call Audry, another sister, and wish her a Happy Birthday on speaker phone.  She asked what we had been drinking, and no one had any intoxicating beverage. It's just how they are.  :)

Lot's of laughing!  Some packing miraculously managed to get done too.

And to ad to the crew, Jean's friend, Jamie, joined us from Chicago.

Giggling girls and razzing Roni about browsing in the men's room, makes for a fun trip.  She told us that us girls had to go where the action is--  to find some muscle to help out with loading the truck. 

I was almost sorry, I didn't shop the men's room after loading that truck; owww, my sore body!

Monday, July 14, 2014


Hey Ya'All!  I'm in the process of moving!  Over the weekend, we took the packed up boxes, the bikes, and Jean's car to Valparaiso. 

For right now, everything is going into storage.

The Pendleton house still has a bunch to go.  I'm hoping we will be able to get the rest of it on the next trip.  Most of the big furniture I am selling, or have sold.

Currently, the Pendleton house is a disaster, with boxes everywhere!

As Ya'all can guess, I've been packing like crazy!  I like it here in Pendleton, but as Dorothy says, "there's no place like home.".  :)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Exciting River Float

I cut a bouquet of Hydrangeas yesterday to celebrate some very good and exciting news!  

My husband, Glenn, got a new job, still working for the state of Indiana, but in a different capacity. 

He called me as I was driving to the river.  He also told me that we are moving... tomorrow!


This is what a canoe looks like after someone went over the dam in it:

The guy survived, but was badly injured.  We were not going near any dams.

Instead, we gathered our floatyloats, life vests, sunscreen, and rope for a relaxing day on the river.

I packed drinks and snacks and put the life vests to work carrying the cooler bag.

We got in the White River at Potters Bridge, and floated for what we thought would be just a couple hours.

In reality, it took us almost five hours to reach our destination!

So, after a few hours past, nature called.

I'm wearing a swimsuit and soaking wet in the river.

I figured, what the heck, I'll just pee here in the river.

I distance myself a bit from the group, respectfully.

Then, as I'm concentrating on peeing in the river, I notice Justin has disappeared.

I ask Jean where he went, and she started giggling.  Then told me he was right behind me ready to flip over my tube.  I suggested he wait for me to finish peeing first.  That was the end of the that!  :)

After peeing on Justin, we stopped for a rest and stretch on an island. 

Justin found an old iron thing and asked me what it is.  I told the kids it was an olden-day flip flop, since that is what we have been mostly finding.

I did discover the tree of fishing lures and rescued all that wasn't rusted into the tree.

It's a pretty place, even though the water was murky.

We had fun exploring, but my mind kept replaying the phone call I got from Glenn earlier that day.

Then all of the sudden, it hit me, we are moving... tomorrow

Oh crap, I'm stuck out on a never ending river float, and I still got stuff to pack!

The heck with packing!

I reclined back on my floatie tube, and watched Gladdie surf imaginary waves.

She's quite the daredevil child.

My mind wonders more, I'll go home and finish packing the living rm, bedrooms, kitchen, basement, upstairs, and rec room, then we'll leave in the morning.  Yeah, that's gonna work-- NOT!

Nonono, that won't work.  What if I just packed the essentials-- toothbrushes, underwear, and flyrod, that should do it!

Sheesh, tomorrow is like the next day!  Yeah, it IS the next day!

Then, my deep in thought mind gets interrupted with blood leaking from my kids nose.

She tried kissing Justin and it didn't go well.

Do you ever get the feeling that sometimes mother nature is helping ya out?  I do.

Poor Troy was scared of the river. 

He dealt with being scared by sleeping almost the entire trip.

Also, we found out that my snake chasing Gladys is scared as can be of dragon flies.

And leeches!

Gladdie came up from a swim and had a leech stuck to the side of her face.  Blah!  She didn't even notice it was there until I told her about it.

After the leech incident, she seemed to admire Troy and his sleep tactic.

Wouldn't it had been something if a big ole bass tried to eat the leech from Gladdies face and got stuck to her too! 

Bass fishing would never be the same for Gladys.

We stopped near an old bridge to take another rest from the hard work of river floating.  Hehe :)

Something tells me, it might be awhile before I get another chance at some R & R.

When we reached our destination, Justin found a cute baby toad.  Rescue me-- Ribbit!  We moved the little critter out of the way of my truck tires.

Then we all went to the Hut for pizza.  Yeah, Troy is wearing a Grinch housecoat in public, in the middle of July.  That's how he rolls. Besides, the dude survived floating the river with it's leeches and dragon flies!  :)

Good Memories! :)