Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of July

Presenting-- Troy's 4th of July sidewalk artwork:

Gladdie made Banana Muffins the morning of the forth, all by herself!

For lunch, the kiddies had fun and festive drinks.  Aren't they pretty?

The trick is to use lots of ice to help keep the layers from blending when pouring.

Also, the beverage with the highest sugar content goes on the bottom.  In this case, it's the Cran-apple juice.  Next, I poured in 7up.  I thought it would make a good middle layer.  It didn't, but it tasted good anyways.  The sugar content is to close to that of the juice.  The pretty blue Gatorade is the low-calorie kind, so it worked out well for the top layer.

That's all their is to these fun layer drinks.

Say--you like my bracelet?  Gladdie and I made beaded bracelets for a fun girl's night the other night.

After lunch, we headed out to Lake Summit.

The weather was gorgeous!

We floated around and had a relaxing afternoon on the water.

And IN the water.

The kids swim every chance they get. 

I usually do too, unless I get to fish, but I just went in for a quick dip.  Glenn was with us, so I didn't fish.

The best thing to the kids is jumping off the front of the toon.  They do that again and again; it never seems to get old for them!

Troy likes playing "being rescued".

Lassie, I mean Sophie, will save him!

They wore their selves out and worked up and appetite.

We went out to Pizza King for the first time ever.  Oddly, and nostalgically, Pizza King has telephones at every table and that is how we ordered our pizza!!!

After supper, we drove to Fall's Park and the entire way was decorated with flags!

The charming town square also had flags on all the lamp posts!

As soon as we got to the park, the kids harnessed up for the rock climbing wall.

I'm going to have to give that a try again sometime soon.

Next, they suited up for a wrestling match!

I know-- how perfect for Gladdie and Troy, with any luck they will both knock one another out cold and I'll get some kid free time!  Opps, did I actually type that thought?  :)

Gladdie won.  Troy, swung at her and missed and fell right off his podium!  I thought, this too looks like something I should try soon.  Kids get to have all the fun!

As dusk set in, so did we.  Amazingly, we found a front row spot and I brought along some Pop-it's (they explode when thrown on the ground) to keep the kids entertained while we awaited the fireworks.

Three minutes later...

We waited and waited...

Then fell asleep...

Finally, it was dark enough for the fireworks!  Poor Troy still slept through half of the show.

The parking lot light was kinda killing it for us.  I tried to throw a rock at it to put it out, but I'm not a very good aim.  I hit a cop in the back of the head instead.  It's ok though, I blamed it all on Glenn.  :)


God Bless America!

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