Monday, July 7, 2014

Moving Break

Moving!  That's the theme around this household lately.  Jean and I had a little time to catch a break from all the packing, so we went fishing.

We started off at Fall's Park.  Jean has a new fly rod and needed to break it in.

She did just that, as the gills were biting like crazy at the pond there.

We also gave Fall's Creek a try.  I was hoping for a bass, and did get one young large mouth.  Other than that, all I got was a bunch of small gills.  I even waded the creek, to get to some of the more reliable spots, and still only got gills.  It was fun though.

The park was crowded, so we drove down the road a little ways to try out a new lake for the first time.  Even though it's just another Indiana Lake, I was excited to fish it.  Right away, Jean caught a pretty green sunfish.

I caught a very blue, bluegill, that refused to pose on my hook for a pic. (He swam away right after Jean snapped his pic.

And of course, a bunch of small gills.   I'm going to have to tie on some bigger flies!  The fishing was fun, but I ran out of time before I was ready to leave, as usual.

The kids have requested more Strawberry Pretzel Desert, so I made another one for them.  This time I topped it with the cream layer and fresh berries.  Ain't she (ole glory) pretty?

I still don't have a moving date yet, and it's driving me nuts.  See, I have become the type of person that likes to have a plan.  The kiddies start school here on August 4th, and their new school in Valparaiso, begins a few weeks later.  So, with any luck, I can start them early here and get me a little r & r, then move the weekend before school starts there.  Good plan, ahy?  ;)

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