Friday, July 11, 2014

Bad Fairy

Have you ever forgot about your child losing a tooth?  It's happened around here, more times than I'd like to admit.  Poor Gladys had to make a sign and barricade the stairs to get the Tooth Fairy's attention.  Sheesh, good thing Santa and the Easter Bunny are punctual!

The weather here in Pendleton has been extra nice lately. 

Dustball has been camping out on the sill.  Isn't he a cutie?

 Speaking of cute, I meet some ducks at the new fishing hole, that had feather-dos.

The two lady ducks have pretty little puffs on their heads.

They followed us around the lake.  Possibly because Troy kept throwing bread to them.  :)

All I kept catching at the lake was small gills, so I went to Fall's Park.

What a pretty day to spend at the park!

I waded over to the good spots.

And STILL only got small fish.  Sheesh, I'm beginning to notice a trend here...

I was surprised that the hook I was using could even fit into small fish!

Justin, Jean and I went back to the new fishing hole for the evening bite, later that day.

I didn't mean for Jean's pic to be blurry.  I told the kids that we all had to get a decent fish on the fly before we left; five minutes later, we left.

Oh, the sad thing is the bass no longer seem to like me very much.  I tried for them all day and couldn't catch one to save my life.  I have no idea what is up with that, other than the water has been murky and I normally tend to sight fish for them.  Lately, I've been blind fishing and just hoping for a bite.  


  1. Oh nooooo, you really are moving. :( How r you going to do it? Did you you decide on a new blog name?

  2. Yes, and then I'll have to make a special trip to come visit you, so us girls can have some spin fun!!! :)

    I'm going to have to do it fast.?. Nope, nothing has come to mind on a new blog name yet. I'm giving it time.
