Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Friends of Fishing Walleye Stocking

Brrr, it's been cold around here lately.  Sophie and SnowBall often snuggle together. 

I'm excited about the upcoming ice fishing season!  The small lakes here will be froze over soon!  YAY!  The first really cold day we had in awhile, was a day when I went to watch walleye being stocked.  It was rainy and windy too.  After leaving Flint Lake, I followed the fish truck over to Loomis Lake:

The Friends of Fishing (FOF) made this walleye stocking possible.  I've had my eye on that club ever since I helped to found the Duneland Fly Fishers (DFF).  Recently, I have begun playing an active role in the FOF, including becoming a board member.  My head is overflowing with fun ideas.  These are baby walleyes:

The FOF meetings are held at AJ's Pizza.  The group is organized; they follow up on ideas and make plans.  I wrote a press release to accompany the walleye stocking pics and sent them to our local newspaper publishers.  More pics I took that day can be viewed at the FOF webpage under the Who We Are tab.

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