Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Missile Move, Pinterest Party, and Craft Show

I hope everyone had a good weekend.  My weekend started off with a big commotion outside my backyard.   The HUGE black missile/alien spaceship is hard to make out:

I was ready for bed and watching tv in my bedroom.  Suddenly, Gladys comes running in and I see flashing police lights in the reflection of the dressing mirror.  I slip on a pair of boots, a flannel shirt to wear as a jacket with my nightgown (fashion at it's finest), and run toward the commotion.  As I get closer, and the wind is blowing, I realize pants would of been a good idea.  I snapped a few pics from a safe distance, heard people talking about a trailer issue and headed back inside.

Glenn asked me what was going on and I'm like, "Oh, it's nothing, just some folk's moving a massive missile down the road.".  I suppose I was tired.  Or maybe living on a military base for several years accounts for my lack of excitement about this.

I dreamed of Marvin the Martian that night.

The next morning, it was Pinterest party/sister time at church.  Two of my sisters, Audrey and Roni, were there.  Audrey is the oldest of us girls. 


The six of us can get a little rowdy.

It was the first Pinterest party that we had ever been to.  So, "What happens at a Pinterest party?" you ask?

Well, us ladies gathered together and talked about God and Pinterest.  The main message was to remember that if you search for Christian on Pinterest then pics of hot guys named Christian come up.

Opps!!  Did I just type that out loud?  Shaking my finger.  Oh No She Didn't!

Umm, what I meant was, the main message is to invite God into time spent on Pinterest.  Really cool things happen when we do this.  Instead of browsing for self-centered reasons, I find myself browsing for things that honor God.

 Besides listening to the message, we all crafted a THINGS TO DO board.

I was pleased with the way mine turned out:

Next, we got to admire and sample some of the various other crafts.

I enjoyed the real life Pinteresting.  

She is wearing a necklace that I thought was adorable. It has each child's initial on the leaves of the branch that a momma and poppa bird are on.  How sweet is that?  (Sorry about the poor quality pic.)

If y'all get a chance to go to one of these parties, I strongly advise it.  If not for the crafty inspiration, the Buckeye's alone were worth it.

Homemade gifts are my favorite type of gifts to give.  Thanks to this party I am planning on pinning a secret board of gift ideas for others.  :)

Then the plan will be to actually make and give those gifts. 

After the Pinterest Party ended, I went to a craft show in Valparaiso.

The craft show is a fundraiser for the Special Education Learning Facility, SELF.

Elsa and the movie, Frozen, had a major appearance in the wares. 

I thought the little angels made with Hershey kisses would be a cute kid project to make.

Moss houses would also be a good idea for all those homeless fairies out there.

ScoobyDo on a stick anyone?

The turkey cake balls were adorable too.

What a crafty type of day!  Back at home little SnowBall was using my current crochet project as a bed.

Happy Crafting!

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