Monday, November 3, 2014

El Hombre DustBall & Dunes Hike

Hola!  Te gusta mi sombrero  Opps, I mean-- Hello!  Do you like my hat?

I rocked this sombrero for Halloween.  Bettcha didn't even recognize me!   ( Hint-- it's me, DustBall.) ;) 


I'm in the mood for a little PURRRITO! 

She may look like a dulce little Mexican treat, but in reality she's a real tail biter.

At least having her around takes some heat off of me.  After all, I'm a guy that likes to lay low-- especially on Halloween! 

Sophie was Elsa (from Frozen ) for Halloween.  Better the dog than me.  Meeowwww!

Well, me and the puritto, er kitten, are busy trying to nap around here.  TTYL, Senor DustBall

Hey there Folks; it's me, Kristina!  That goofy cat of mine just had to try his paw at blogging.  :) 

The kiddos, Sophie, and I went hiking at the Dunes the other day.  This trail is known as Cowles Bog, but we refer to it as the little snake trail.


Gladys spotted a ringed neck snake, which are real little ones, about the size of a night crawler.  (I wasn't fast enough with the camera and it got away before I got it's pic.)
Back in May, a few years ago, Jean, Jamie and I were hiking and the girls decided to go barefoot until they realized these little guys were every couple of steps:

We found a bunch of them, fresh out of the egg, and with attitudes!  The girls put shoes back on quick!


This hiking trial has a fishing intermission (for me anyways) at the warm water discharge.  The kids like rolling down the dunes a zillion times.  I'm all for a good dune roll, but once or twice tends to give me all the fix I need.

Fish like hanging out there, but it's not the easiest place to get to via land.

Makes for some good exercise though.

The weather was cool, sunny and nice.

The scenery is awesome, both in the woods and on the beach.

On the way back to the truck, we took a lunch break.

I'm not really sure how far of a hike it is, but I'd say a few miles both to and from.

Happy Hiking!  :)

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