Wednesday, July 6, 2016

California Adventure Parade

Hello All!  The Parade at California Adventure was sooo cool that I thought I would share some of it!

Roz was the Grand Marshall!


I'll tell ya what-- it was nice to sit and relax!

I enjoyed the parade, as much, or more than the kids!

I've always been a sucker for a good parade.

The movie characters, and overall whimsical nature of Disney, sparked my imagination!

I felt like my creative juices were flowing!

If only I could bottle this feeling; to be used at the most opportune moment!

Instead, I perfected my parade wave! 

I'm sure Ya'all have a parade wave.  Some of you may not even know it!

At first, mine is enthusiastic and fast, about 3/4 of the way, it slows down a bit to more of a princess like wave.

Some of the parade characters were very interactive! 

 I would like to ride a flower on the Bug's Life float!

Earlier in the day, the army men were doing a very impressive marching dance act! 

The weather was perfect-- not to hot and not to cold!

 I was tempted to move to the west coast!

Living on the grounds of Disneyland suits Hub well. 

A gal could get used to nice weather everyday! 

Ole Mater was the tail end of the parade!  

Breaks over, we got rides to go on!!!  ;-)

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