Friday, July 15, 2016

Univeral Studios

Hey Everyone! 

I hope Ya'All are having a fantastic summer!!!

As soon as we got to Universal Studios the kiddo's  husband headed straight for Harry Potter Land!  He is soooo much the nerd!!!  :-)

As you can see, Gladys was able to catch a train to get to Hogsmead!

I found the land to be refreshing with the cold winter décor.  It was 80+ degrees out and none of the snow melted!

We stopped by the wand store so a couple wands could find wizards!

Troy bonded instantly with a homework-doing wand.  I am soo interested in how this will turn out!

He had some skills with it in Harry Potter Land, as he was able to work magic.  Perhaps, it helped that the wand had Bluetooth built in!  ;-)

Jean got herself a wand too! 


Throughout Hogsmead, in certain locations, the wizard can use the wand to make things happen!  For instance, the wand made the dessert tray in the window spin!

Universal Studios only has TWO real rides, and one was a roller coaster right next to Hogwarts! 

It was a fun coaster, but I wish they would have had more real rides!  All the other rides were simulators.

The shows were really good!  The first show we watched was Animal Actors!

My chickens left the farm to pursue their acting careers on this stage!

Now, they are buddies with big shots, like the owl that starred in the Harry Potter movie!

We met several animal stars, like the dog from Beverly Hills Chihuahua, and the guinea pigs from Beethoven!


The other REAL ride, and personally my favorite ride at Universal Studios was at Jurassic Park!

I enjoyed how this ride starts off-- going up!

It's nice, slow, and casual.

Once the car reaches the top of the hill, instead of crashing down at a lightning speed, it's nice and relaxed! 

To my surprise, it's sorta like a lovely Disneyland ride!

There's cute dinosaurs and sweet music!

 Everyone is happily relaxed!

Until all heck breaks loose and a vehicle falls on us!  I won't spoil the ending, the falling automobile is just the beginning!!!

We spotted plenty of human actors and actresses as well as the animal ones!

The splash pad located in the center of the park was one of Troy's favorite spots!

We stopped and had lunch there so he could play in the water.

Afterwards, we ran into Dora, whom I felt sorry for since she was the only character without a long line!  In fact, she didn't have any line at all!  Pobrecita!

Minions cracked me up as their expressions made them appear to be wishing they DIDN'T have the long line awaiting to greet them!

There wasn't much to Minion Land, which left me disappointed!  I love those little dudes!

Check out the cute monster bush at the front of the park!  I'm thinking of doing something like that at my house for Halloween this year!

If my dog Sophie was pink, she would look just like these dogs! 


The other show we watched was Water World!

It was a thrilling display of explosions and acting!

Kiss my Grits! 

The simulation rides were rather intense and made me ill.  Other than that, I found Universal Studios to be charming.

The last land we visited was Simpsons, in the town of Springfield!


In the distance, is the nuclear plant where Homer is employed!
While we were there, the town of Springfield had a nuclear emergency!  Alarms sounded and steam erupted from the cooling tower

Overall, I felt right at home in Springfield! 

Jean even spotted Lisa Simpson!  (I'm pretty sure they were in school band class together.)

Lard Lad invited us all to check out the baked goods!

Let me tell ya--- the donuts were HUGE!!!

I mean completely GIGANTIC!  One donut was as big as an entire cake! 

I opted out of eating it right then and becoming a victim of a self-induced sugar coma.  Instead, I brought it back to the hotel for us to share for breakfast.

We were all pretty wore out come closing time; amusement parks have a way of doing that!

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