Saturday, July 16, 2016

Universal Studios Bus Tour

Greetings from Universal Studios in California! 

My buddy, SpongeBob Squarepants, had fun with the kids during a photoshoot!!!  That Sponge has a great attitude!

The longest ride of the day was the "behind the scenes" bus tour.


The sets of entire cities were cool to see!

It may have been the longest ride, but it certainly was entertaining!

The bus driver's attempts at being funny, were funny, as well as seeing the sites!

Growing up in the era of gravel roads, my sister, Roni, actually drove a Flintstone car!

I didn't get photos of everything, and I can't believe I missed taking pics of the telephone booth yard!  I guess I was in awe of finally knowing what became of all those phone booths.  Just think, if we put em all back, we could have an all time low crime rate, as our Superheroes would finally have a place to change clothes!

Hub tells me it doesn't ever rain in his neck of the woods, but it began to sprinkle!

And then a monsoon hit!

Followed by a massive flood!  All compliments of Universal Studios!  Amazing!!!

Up and around the mountain we went, leaving city scenes behind! 

Universal Studios is it's own city!

We passed scene after scene of famous movie sets!   Jaws!

How the Grinch Stole Christmas!



We probably seen more than we should have here:

The psycho house has the prettiest trim!

After an encounter with King Kong, we were once again heading up the mountain!

Where we witnessed evidence of a plane crash!  Look familiar?

The lengths this industry goes to in order to produce a film is incredible!

That's Show Biz for ya!

I was surprised I was able to recognize as many sets as I did, since there are still so many movies I've yet to see!

The bus tour wasn't all about just taking a bus ride!  We were given 3D glasses and had a couple exceptional, and nearly tragic experiences!!! 

The first was the King Kong encounter and the second was an earthquake while inside a subway tunnel, followed by a flood!

It really was quite the adventure!  Reflecting back on it all, I had felt so inspired to watch more movies!  ;-)

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