Wednesday, August 19, 2015

First Day of School 2015

Hi Everyone!!!!   
The kiddies went back to school today!!!!!  YAY!!!!!  

I took them back-to-school shopping and this is Gladys outfit that she picked out:

Here's Troy's favorite outfit:

The kids were BUSY getting things ready the night before school.

Troy had soooo many school supplies in his backpack he couldn't EVEN STAND UPRIGHT!!!  :-)

He toughed it out and managed to stand after his breakfast kicked in. What a goofball! ;-)

And then there's Gladdie:

 Her backpack was filled to the MAX too!

The five minutes between the time they walked out of the house and the time the bus arrived seemed to last forever!  Obviously, Gladdie was being a perfect angel in aiding her brother, by helping him stand upright.  Kids!

She succeeded!   Eventually the beautiful, yellow, bus arrived to carry them away!

Yay!  The first day of school!!!!  :-)  :-)  :-)

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