Saturday, August 1, 2015

Bloody Boating

Garage Sales are awesome!  I found a grill for the boat for $1.00.  Yup-- One Dollar.  :-)  Our buddy Mike K. welded up a device, so that it could clamp onto the pontoon.

Grillmaster Glenn was eager to try it out!

He did the cooking and we did the swimming!  Another Good Deal!  :-)

My nephew, Little Robbie, and his wife Janet joined us for a day out on the boat.

The grill worked out well.

We took turns being thrown  jumping off the front of the boat.

The kids like to swim in the really deep part of the lake the best.  The main reason is they do not like to feel any weeds touching them.  Also, they can get some good dives in.

Janet offered me a beer to try: 

I'm generally not a fan of beer.  Gasp, I know!!!  I just never could get past the wet chicken feed taste.  I can't say I loved this one, but I didn't entirely dislike it.  I actually thought the beer complemented our lunch very well.

The cherry pits got tossed into the lake and we were stalked by seagulls until lunch was over.

Hey-- like my back-up motor, aka, Lil Robbie?  I wonder how many horses he is, and Gladdie there, is at least a ponies worth.  :-)

If I think long enough about the fish that's in the lake, I will actually psych myself out and be afraid to swim.  True Story.

Sophie does enjoy swimming.  I have irrational concerns of my fufu dog being swallowed up by some HUGE pike.

Mmmm, brownies for dessert!

I was dishing out the goodies when all of the sudden the kids in the water began screaming that Lil Robbie was bloody!

He was swimming underneath the boat and hit his head on a sharp screw.  Blood leaked down his face and made the injury seem like it could be serious!

I got to play doctor and blotted the injury with a napkin.  My nephew, being the tough guy he is and all, didn't make a big deal of it.  I think he took my advice and got a tetanus shot the next day.  I knew I shoulda kept a helmet on the boat!  Although, I thought it would be to protect someone in the event of a wild backcast.  :-)  Memories!

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