Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Stone & Pine Lakes

Stone & Pine Lakes are places I visit frequently.  


I slip my boat on Pine Lake, which is connected to Stone.


The kids enjoy swimming and often take a plunge and swim to the beach on Stone Lake.

The other day when we were out there, folk's were doing Zumba on the beach!

Zumba on the beach looks like fun, but I was busy catching fish!  :-)

Out of the two lakes (Pine and Stone), Stone is the smaller and an idle only lake, which makes it preferable for me to fish. 

Most of the time, I can count on catching gills and perch.


Once in awhile, I get bass to bite.  Sometimes even a smallmouth jumper surprises me!

My buddy Terry and I were fishing Stone Lake for gills the other day. He decided to change things up and go after bass.

He got out his bass rigged rod and just like that, had one hooked!!!  :-)

And another, and another-- bass after bass!

Remarkably, he caught a bass AND somebody's lure all in one swift cast!


Here's a critter that caught my eye: 

A water tic maybe?  I dunno.  I wonder if the fish would like to eat one like it.  ;-)

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