Tuesday, August 4, 2015

OE Event

I got up bright n early Saturday morning, in order to be at the pier on Lake Eliza by 8AM!  For FISHING!!!!  If I go a few days without fishing, then I feel like it's been forever since I've fished. 

It's a good thing that I left the house early, because I got lost on the way to lake!  I know! Can you believe it?  I've been to Lake Eliza before, but today I came in from a different way.


I had stopped to pick up Jean and Jamie on the way.  Jamie wasn't ready yet and decided just to meet us there.  She had never been there before.  However, she was able to at least find the lake-- FIRST!  Even though she had came up to a barrier in the road and called us to find out where to go.   Lucky for us, Tim (a phone call away) was able to help us out with the directions.

Jamie was on Jean's phone while Tim gave us directions.  We decided whoever gets to the pier first WINS!  No one knew what exactly the winner wins, but it didn't matter.  What mattered was that the winner wasn't the looser, because the looser had to touch the fish.  :-/

Now don't get me wrong, touching fish is an exciting element to fishing and all, however, there are still fish out there that I've not gotten to know so well yetCatfish, for example, is a type that I've not had much experience with, therefore, they still tend to freak me out.

I wasn't worried about it.  After all, what's the chance of us actually catching catfish?  I mean, bluegill and bass are what we would most likely get, (right?) and I know those types of fish.

Us Friends of Fishing (FOF) folks were meeting there to have an outing with clients of Opportunity Enterprises (OE).  The plan was to help out the mentally challenged clients as they fished.  The OE clients arrived a bit later than expected, which gave us a chance to bucket a few fish. 

Sometimes it's a good idea to have a few fish on standby, just in case they don't want to cooperate when we need em to.

Oddly, the girls caught catfish!!!  Seriously! (Just my Luck)

And I was the last one to the pier, so I had to touch a catfish!  Fortunately I was feelin brave!  The trouble with catfish is that they can sting ya. Tim and Terry showed me how to hold em without getting stung.  Those catfish were squishy, slippery, and boney little things!

Shortly after I got a grip-- literally, the OE clients arrived.  Now all I had caught up to this point was a small perch. (The bullhead catfish was caught by the girls.)  Magically, a bluegill decided to ride the hook and I handed my rod off to this guy:

He reeled in a few fish on my little rod.

Including a carp, which he was thrilled with!

Next, I dropped my little hook with a beemoth on it in the water and WHAMMM, a fish struck it!  Wow, I couldn't believe the fish were cooperating so well!  I didn't even NEED any bucketed fish! This time I handed my rod off to Richie, and he reeled in the bass:

Marlene was the next one I got the chance to fish with.  She had a knack for picking out really good beemoths.

Marlene was amazed by how the fish reacted and flipped when she tried to pick it up.

We made sure all the poor fish we caught got a beemoth treat before releasing them back into the lake. ;-)

Darrell and Marlene each caught one at the same time-- a double!  :-)

We caught several little crappies!

OE served a hot dog and chips lunch, under the pavilion. 

Chuck did a good job on this event!  It was a success that's for sure!

It's a blessing to be part of this group, with good friends, doing good things!  :-)

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