Friday, August 14, 2015

Mill Pond Fun

Hi All,
I'm at the hospital typing away, as I wait for Glenn, who is having surgery on his hip.   It looks like it may be awhile before I get to fish again, as I intend to help him get all healed up. 

The other day, the kids and I had a great time at the Mill Pond, as usual.

Todd and I caught all kinds of fish out of the creek!

Jigs tipped with beemoth seemed to be the ticket!

This fish that Todd got, sure has a wild and vividly colored, outfit on: 

We fish the pond side too. 

Carp is becoming a popular catch from the pond.

Kayaking the pond side is fun too.

I take turns kayaking with the kiddies.


I caught a couple fish on my turn.  The first one was a camera shy shiner and took itself off the hook before I could get a pic.  The second fish was a carp, that fought like crazy on the little ultra light rod!

Sometimes I think I am reeling in something HUGE, and it turns out to be a little bluegill covered in weeds!  (Yeah, there is really a fish under all that mess!)

Gladdie and her friends played Queen of the Rock!

The girls fish a little bit too, but it's important to them to see how many can fit on the rock!?!    :-)

Goofy Girls!

The girls got a horsey ride!

Wren, the horse, didn't seem to mind a back full of goofballs!


The girls were totally delighted to be able to go for a ride. Thanks, Jim!

Time flew by and before I knew it the sun had set.

One last catch, before leaving!

I'm pleased to say, Glenn is out of surgery and it went well.  He's now on the road to recovery and will be as good as new in no time!  ;-)

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