Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Perfect Scenerio

The night before going to get some creek fishing in, I was dreaming about hunting down that perfect scenario.

The scenario in my dreams didn't include snow though!!!

No matter, it's all good.  When the weather is cold and/or snowy it usually means I have the woods to myself, (except for the woodland residents, of course).

The perfect scenario includes several hungry fish (all whom have bad vision, jk) a nice current that's just right to drift my fly along a stretch of creek that doesn't have a ton of snags.

As you may have all ready guessed, the perfect scenario doesn't exist in Indiana.  At least, I have yet to find it.

Still, trying to search it out is half the fun.

Besides, who doesn't love a good hike in the woods.  :)

 Y'all know I had to drop a line in this underwater fish house stump.  No one was home though.  :(

When I spot fish, my heart races; the bigger the fish, the faster it beats.  :)

Most of the time, the fish I see are in some of the hardest places to reach.  


A camouflaged friend comes in handy; Dan helped me to know where my line was as it drifted around a bend and to mend the line accordingly.  I was so thankful to have run into him that day. FYI-- He also holds the current state record for the Largest Indiana White Fish.  Way to Go, Dan!!!

I've yet to target white fish, but it sure was fun reeling in this aggressive (and slippery) buck:

After making that fish pose for a pic without trying to flip out of my arms (again), he went back into the creek.

This means I'm going to have to work a little harder at my goal of  showing Y'all a pretty fish I haven't dropped.  I was actually a bit concerned about this guy making it, but he did swim away once he got acclimated to the water.


Monday, March 30, 2015

Winter Rebellion

For the second time within a month, I've went out to fish before daybreak.

Each time, on my way to the water, I think-- I am really gonna get some fish this mornin!!!  Yeah Baby!!!

Sadly, each time I have not got ANY FISH! (yeeesh)

I sacrificed sleeping in till the late hour of 7AM, (when the kids get up) for getting skunked!  Ughhhh!

The good news is it was still a peaceful 'n fun morning!

Winter Rebellion is the name of the Friends of Fishing tournament.

Yay! Jimmy's got a bite!!!

The morning was very cold!

Some fish were hungry though!

Bogdan signed up and was the big winner!

I fished next to him.  He reeled in four coho's and I got zip.

What were those fish thinking?

Congratulations Bogdan!

Whatever he did, the fish sure liked it.

Dan and Mary are another couple of folk's that the fishes like.  Mary caught an awesome Brown Trout during the event.   

Here are the leader board results for the top weights of up to five fish:

1. Bogdan Bednanski 6lb 13.6 oz
2. Mary Beck Ryba 6 lb 9.4 oz
3. Rich Racine 6 lb 5.5 oz
4. Mark Addis 5 lb 8.3 oz
5. Jim Crownover 3 lb 8.6 oz
6. Jordan S 3 lb .01 oz

Exciting Morning! :)

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Port Fishing

I had thought I was done ice fishing for the season, but the Michigan City Harbor was pretty much iced over.  

As I searched for open water to drop my lure into, the sound of ice crystals crashing against concrete was like an annoying wind chime to me.  It sounded pretty at first, but then I wished that it would go away.

Fishing was tough and I didn't stay long.  Instead, I went to view jumping fish at the Lamprey Dam. 

The fish were not entertaining me.  I only seen one jump the entire 20 minutes I was there.

After checking out the swift, cold, creek water I discovered a hole in my neoprenes.  I decided to take Garrett's suggestion and give the Port a shot.

I was amazed at how clear the water was there compared to Michigan City.

I kinda figured I would freeze, and had my snowsuit in the truck just in case.  However, the weather turned out to be nice that afternoon.

I dropped my poor coho and decided I best keep him, after Garrett helped me pry him out from between the boulders.  Slippery Fish!  :-o

Garrett got one, too!

One of these days, I will show Y'all a pic of a pretty fish I've not dropped.  (My new goal!)  :)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Spring Coho Shenanigans

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

I know this post will be scheduled about a week later, but have a happy day anyways!  ;)

St. Patrick's Day was fun.  I went to the Michigan City Harbor and the lot was pretty much bare:

The water didn't look so good either:

Sometimes these stained waters can still be productive though.

It was a nice peaceful morning; perfect for fishing/yoga.

Fishing/yoga is where I try to hold a pose until either my bobber reaches the end of it's drift, or until I see people staring at me funny; whichever happens first. :)

I did fishing/yoga in every place I could get to along the harbor.

Occasionally, the ice bergs would chase me away.

Sophie does fishing/yoga too. 

I'm still trying to get the hang of catching fish in the harbor.

I like how I can cast right from the car though.

Sophie does too!  :)

She's such a good girl.  Although I keep asking her to get her bangs trimmed and she just won't do it.  It's her protective shield against Snowball. :)

We went for a hike out on the pier.  The dark sand is actually sand mixed with ice and known as shelf ice.

Crazy people were out there walking on the dangerous shelf ice.  It has weak spots that they could become trapped in if they fall through-- to open Lake Michigan water.  Rescue teams filled the area and the people were in big trouble.

Meanwhile, Sophie and I fished from the pier with Joe.

The ice bergs kept moving in, and then out, and then back in.  After a bit, Sophie and I decided it was time to get out the flyrod and find some fish in the creek.

And we did!!!  I had several hits on the orange and gold jig fly.

I only managed to land one though.  Sophie isn't worth a darn as my netman!  :)  She don't take very clear pics either:

She was a pretty fish when I caught her.

I was told lemon, butter, pepper and parsley was the way to go.  I had everything but the parsley. 

I did a foil wrap and baked the salmon.

Mom and Lloyd told me it turned out delicious!

Lemon Fish and Lemon Bars for dessert!


Yeah, I put the "She" in their "nanigans" this year!  ;-)