The night before going to get some creek fishing in, I was dreaming about hunting down that perfect scenario.
The scenario in my dreams didn't include snow though!!!
The perfect scenario includes several hungry fish (all whom have bad vision, jk) a nice current that's just right to drift my fly along a stretch of creek that doesn't have a ton of snags.
As you may have all ready guessed, the perfect scenario doesn't exist in Indiana. At least, I have yet to find it.
Still, trying to search it out is half the fun.
Besides, who doesn't love a good hike in the woods. :)
Y'all know I had to drop a line in this underwater fish house stump. No one was home though. :(
When I spot fish, my heart races; the bigger the fish, the faster it beats. :)
Most of the time, the fish I see are in some of the hardest places to reach.
A camouflaged friend comes in handy; Dan helped me to know where my line was as it drifted around a bend and to mend the line accordingly. I was so thankful to have run into him that day. FYI-- He also holds the current state record for the Largest Indiana White Fish. Way to Go, Dan!!!
I've yet to target white fish, but it sure was fun reeling in this aggressive (and slippery) buck:
After making that fish pose for a pic without trying to flip out of my arms (again), he went back into the creek.
This means I'm going to have to work a little harder at my goal of showing Y'all a pretty fish I haven't dropped. I was actually a bit concerned about this guy making it, but he did swim away once he got acclimated to the water.