Saturday, March 21, 2015

Getting Stuck and BMV Mug Shots

Jean and I tend to fish pre-drilled holes that are abandoned because they can be easier to re-open, than drilling though 18 inches of solid ice.

We did well and caught a bunch of bluegills.

So, the next day I head out to fish and find, I got the place to myself.

I go to re-open a hole and the auger gets stuck.  Nooo problem, I think, as I got my cordless drill attached.  I'll just flip it in reverse and drill that baby right out of there.  The auger does not budge.  I couldn't help but to get back to my shanty and fish.

The hole in the shanty was rough and had a maze of ice layers.  Although, it did have fish!

Eventually, a friend came out with a gas auger and rescued my auger.  :)  Then a few days later it got stuck again and someone else helped me get it free.  I think I either need to sharpen the blades or make sure I have lots of friends, before using it next year.

Soo, in other news, it was time to renew my driver's license.  Here's a tip: if you want your pic taken multiple times by the BMV than smile with your teeth showing.  Unfortunately, they wouldn't let me use none of the "good" pics.  It has to be a mug shot without teeth!  Sigh. 

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