Monday, March 23, 2015

Stubborn Hudson Lake Fish

Howdy Folk's!

During ice fishing season, I got the chance to visit a new lake.  New for me anyways.  Mark, Randy, Mike and I fished Hudson Lake in New Carlisle. 

We got a very early start, 5 AM early,  before the sun was up!!!

I brought a tip-up and Mark, aka appropriately nicknamed, High Flags, helped me set it up.

We were all trying are darndest to get those fish to ride the hooks! 

The fish were not in the hook riding mood, as we all got skunked..(GASP)...that time out!  And to think, I got up extra early for those fish too!!!  Next time, those stubborn fish don't want to ride the hooks, I'm sleeping in!  :)

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