Sunday, March 29, 2015

Port Fishing

I had thought I was done ice fishing for the season, but the Michigan City Harbor was pretty much iced over.  

As I searched for open water to drop my lure into, the sound of ice crystals crashing against concrete was like an annoying wind chime to me.  It sounded pretty at first, but then I wished that it would go away.

Fishing was tough and I didn't stay long.  Instead, I went to view jumping fish at the Lamprey Dam. 

The fish were not entertaining me.  I only seen one jump the entire 20 minutes I was there.

After checking out the swift, cold, creek water I discovered a hole in my neoprenes.  I decided to take Garrett's suggestion and give the Port a shot.

I was amazed at how clear the water was there compared to Michigan City.

I kinda figured I would freeze, and had my snowsuit in the truck just in case.  However, the weather turned out to be nice that afternoon.

I dropped my poor coho and decided I best keep him, after Garrett helped me pry him out from between the boulders.  Slippery Fish!  :-o

Garrett got one, too!

One of these days, I will show Y'all a pic of a pretty fish I've not dropped.  (My new goal!)  :)

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