Thursday, March 31, 2016

New Fishing Buddy

I met this Sweetie at the park the other day:

He was shy at first, but quickly warmed up to me.  In fact, he became so comfortable with me that he snooped through my purse!  I don't think any of my other fishing buddies have done that!

Then, he tried to eat the string to my camera!  I'm almost certain none of my other fishing buddies have attempted that!

Most of the fish I caught were too big for the duck to eat.  But when I tossed them back he went after them, unsuccessfully.

I felt sorry for my hungry little fishing buddy, and I tied a smaller fly on the line.  A little gill ate the fly.

And my buddy got a meal!

He was one happy duck!

Apparently, he needed a beverage to dine with, as he took his live fish back to the pond!

I was amazed the gill didn't swim away.

Well, I reckon it did, just in the duck's belly!

Critters were out all over the place.  See the woodchuck in the lower right corner?

And turtles were busy trying to get a spot on the sunbathing log!

I caught a million little gills on the fly!  Next time I go back there, I'm planning on picking on the goldfish!  I wonder if my new buddy will kayak with me and keep the snakes away!  ;-)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Sickly Little Grey Kitty

The kids found this little guy in the back yard!

He is fur and bones!  Plus, he had tics, and ears loaded with mites.  One of his ears was so loaded with mites that it is not properly formed.  He is one sick kitty, his face was caked with snot, and he has a broken back leg.  Poor kitty.  When the kids showed him to me, he was unable to walk.

For the first two days, he rested in the cage. 

That is when, he wasn't being cuddled, natch.

Luckily, Independent Cat Society (ICS) was open on the day he was found.  I took him there, and they gave him fluids via iv.  They also gave me special food for him and medicine.

They treated him for parasites as well.

He is doing good, now, a week later!

He's not crazy about being photographed, apparently!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter 2016


I prepared the eggs for coloring by hard boiling them.  I tend to overcook them to the point where the yolk turns green.  Thank goodness for green sweet relish to help the deviled eggs appear edible!  :-)

Speaking of green, I tried a new recipe-- Smothered Green Beans.   I seen it on Pinterest.

It's green beans dressed in soy sauce, garlic powder, and brown sugar, then topped with partially cooked bacon. After it's all assembled, it goes back into the oven and the bacon cooks to a crisp as it drips into the beans.  This dish is ready to go into the oven:

The kids colored eggs the day before Easter.  The Easter bunny didn't come to our house this year, as the kids didn't want to hunt for eggs.  Glenn told Troy the truth about the bunny, even though I wanted to keep it a secret a bit longer.  Troy is my baby!  :-(

Gladys colored eggs first and spilled some of the colors.  Poor Troy.  She helped out peeling the eggs at Mom's house.

While the girls made deviled eggs and egg salad, I put together a Fruit Bunny. It was another idea I had got off of Pinterest!  Although, I deviated a bit from the actual directions.

It's really simple.  I'll let the pics do the talking.

And the finished bunny:

 I served it with fruit dip made of cream cheese and marshmallow fluff.

Gladys made egg salad with her bare hands.  Why Gladys?  I took notes for next year. 

I had planned yet another Pinterest recipe, but this one was for the kids to do.  It's called Empty Tomb Rolls.  The kids were not into making them, so I did it all myself.  


The idea is to roll a marshmallow inside each dough and as it bakes it disappears.  The rolls then represent the empty tomb of Jesus after He has risen!

After Easter Dinner, my family and I played card games.

It was good ole Uno, but with a twist.  The Draw cards had options like make a funny face until your next turn.

Mom had to be a cat.  She meowed and rubbed her head on Glenn.  It was FUN!  :-)

Monday, March 28, 2016

Winter Rebellion 2016

Howdy Folks!  Let's talk about the Winter Rebellion, shall we?  First off, I've not ever caught a fish during this annual event!  Never Ever!  I practiced fishing that location before the event-- in the rain!

Yes, I am fishing from the truck.

What's a "Winter Rebellion" you ask? 

It's a morning in which, I get up insanely early to freeze my bootie off (and all my other parts too), while attempting to catch fish!  Here is part of my set-up at zero-dark-thirty AM.  Ugh.  ;-)

As the sky was becoming lighter, I kept telling myself that these fish were going to turn on at any moment now!

Any moment now...  and can ya bite already fish, we're freezing out here!

Right about that time, Mike caught a brown trout!  Way to go, Mike!

And I was ready to catch fish.  Anytime now!  Umm, let's just untangle some line first!

Yikes,  I turn my back for two minutes and I'm reeling in a mess!

Ewww, a mess with a worm center.

Meanwhile, the guy next to me, fishing buddy Randy, caught a coho!

Way to go, Randy!

Jean and I were talking about how a plus of fishing the harbor is, that we're not getting our lures stuck in the trees.  Yet, Jean is soooo talented, that she managed to get her lure stuck in the flag pole rope!



Logically, one would think all we would have to do is use the pulley and lower it down.  If only the swivel was not stuck on the other rope too!  That there is talent, Folks! 

The final weigh-in was interesting, as usual!  Tony had the biggest steelie!

Whitefish and suckers were also caught that morning!

Andrew won first place with the biggest brown.

Tony came in second with the steelie.

Let's do a brief recap here of my fishing, shall we?   I fished between Mike, who caught a brown, and Randy who caught a coho.  Jean caught a flagpole rope.  I caught nothing.  Nothing-- not even a flagpole rope!  Next year, I am sleeping in.  Just saying.  ;-)   Sigh