I met this Sweetie at the park the other day:
He was shy at first, but quickly warmed up to me. In fact, he became so comfortable with me that he snooped through my purse! I don't think any of my other fishing buddies have done that!
Then, he tried to eat the string to my camera! I'm almost certain none of my other fishing buddies have attempted that!
Most of the fish I caught were too big for the duck to eat. But when I tossed them back he went after them, unsuccessfully.
I felt sorry for my hungry little fishing buddy, and I tied a smaller fly on the line. A little gill ate the fly.
And my buddy got a meal!
He was one happy duck!
Apparently, he needed a beverage to dine with, as he took his live fish back to the pond!
I was amazed the gill didn't swim away.
Well, I reckon it did, just in the duck's belly!
Critters were out all over the place. See the woodchuck in the lower right corner?
And turtles were busy trying to get a spot on the sunbathing log!
I caught a million little gills on the fly! Next time I go back there, I'm planning on picking on the goldfish! I wonder if my new buddy will kayak with me and keep the snakes away! ;-)