Tuesday, May 24, 2016

My Secret Hairstyle

Woooo Hooooooo! 

Troy found a morel mushroom this Spring all on his own! 

Some of the morels were over-ripe, by the time we found em this year!  :-(

Okay, mmmK, enough stalling, I got my head shaved.  I wear my hair up often, as to keep it out of the way.  And since I look bald anyway in some of these pics, I decided to rock the look!  JK-- I only had half my head shaved.  I'll show Ya'all my baldy head pics in a moment. 

First, I gotta show you how awesomely cute my pets are!

Is he a cutie or what?

I love his expression and how he forgets to put his tongue back in his mouth!

My sweetheart Sophie is such a ham!


Except when she is trying to hide her bone treat in the sofa!  I'm busy, grrrrrrrrr, MINE!  Even her little growl is cute!

JK, I'm just chillin and pretending to be fierce!  How adorable is that?

I've been on a mission to watch the classic Disney movies with the kids.   We hardly watch much tv around here, and I want them to be as psyched as I am for Disneyland!  I bought a couple Goofy candles at a yard sale to go along with movie night!

The pets join in the movie night fun, too!  France has to bathe Sophie prior to cuddling, he wouldn't want to get any dog cooties on him!

Awww, these two are so sweet together!

Before Ya'll go into cuteness overload, if it's not already too late, I shall reveal my secret hairstyle.  While some folks may consider it to be crazier than this bird:      (Hint-- it's a Loon!)

I think it's a cool way to stay cool for the summer!  Here I am, ready for some clipper action:

I had the lower portion of hair shaved off and my stylist attempted to do the design of a flower.  I feel like the back of my head, now, more closely resembles SpongBob's pineapple, than a flower.  Thank goodness my hair grows quickly!

Even though the design was a disaster, it feels so much cooler!  This snapshot was taken after the secret hairstyle. 

Shhhh, no one but my blog readers know half of my head is shaved.  It's our little secret!  ;-)

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Track and Field

Yo!  As Gladiator would say! 
She is a discus champion!!!! 

The track meets are, so far, much more casual competition than the soccer games were.

If you flip through the following four pics fast, then you can see her in action!  ;-)

Jean has been coaching Gladiator in discus, which is their favorite event.

Obviously, tire swing spinning serves as good warm-ups, to prep for the discus spin!

Speaking of Jean-- she got her long hair cut OFF!   On Purpose!!!  JK  She ROCKS her new look and I like it too!  In fact, I'm getting my head shaved, just you wait!  :-)

The Gladiator also competes in hurdles and soon she plans to master pole vaulting.

Gladiator is fun to watch.  I was actually thinking she would do flips over the hurdles-- it's much more her style!  Like, literally do front flips or cartwheels right over the hurdles, since she does them in the interim frequently.

Run, Run, Run!

Saturday, May 21, 2016


Hey-- Check out this little one! 

Nooo, it's not a rock, it's a newly hatched turtle! 

Specifically, an alligator snapping turtle!  The two oldest kids, Grace and Hub, had found one just like it while we were at the beach years ago.  They placed it on my bare belly with a pile of rocks and I jumped right up!

It's little tail is so cute!  Instinctively, the baby headed right for the water!

The journey was rather tough, as some of the rocks were tricky to climb over.  I helped the lil feller out.

As soon as the baby reached the water it found a hiding spot under some weeds!  Hey-- I can still see you, Silly!

Another baby surprise at the fishing hole was a trout!  With all the rain lately, it must have found it's way to this pond!

My duck fishing buddy is still right where I left him!  As soon as he notices it's me, he runs up to great me!

Babies were the theme of the day-- baby crappie!

And another young turtle!

The painter turtle was very nice and took himself off the hook.

Check out those long fingernails!

Apparently, the turtle had somewhere to be, because visiting with me wasn't a priority.

See ya later, alligator... turtle and painter turtle!  :-) 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Fishing with Sophie

Sophie is READY to GO FISHING!

She is my favorite fishing buddy, since she lets me catch ALL the fish.  ;-)

As usual the rockbass were going nuts in the creek, and the redear decided to get in on the action too.

Sophie, luckily, is very obedient.  If I forget to show her a fish and toss it back, she will attempt retrieve it.  She loves to go fishing, natch!

I almost felt scared for her as the hawks began closing in on us!

I put her securely in my lap!  Between her and the fish, those birds kept a close eye on us.

This poor fish is covered in black parasites, ick!

The warmer weather was so nice!

I caught all kinds of fish:  rock bass, gills, redear, creek chubs, shinners, and carp.  Creek fishing is surprising like that!

As Sophie and I walked around and fished we were bullied by a swan!

It didn't stop us, we decided not to play near "The Meanie" and we continued fishing.

All in all, we had a great day at the creek.  Sophie never did get carried away by hawks, or beat up by a swan.  She checked out a bunch of fish, and I managed to keep her from diving in after em!  ;-)