Saturday, May 21, 2016


Hey-- Check out this little one! 

Nooo, it's not a rock, it's a newly hatched turtle! 

Specifically, an alligator snapping turtle!  The two oldest kids, Grace and Hub, had found one just like it while we were at the beach years ago.  They placed it on my bare belly with a pile of rocks and I jumped right up!

It's little tail is so cute!  Instinctively, the baby headed right for the water!

The journey was rather tough, as some of the rocks were tricky to climb over.  I helped the lil feller out.

As soon as the baby reached the water it found a hiding spot under some weeds!  Hey-- I can still see you, Silly!

Another baby surprise at the fishing hole was a trout!  With all the rain lately, it must have found it's way to this pond!

My duck fishing buddy is still right where I left him!  As soon as he notices it's me, he runs up to great me!

Babies were the theme of the day-- baby crappie!

And another young turtle!

The painter turtle was very nice and took himself off the hook.

Check out those long fingernails!

Apparently, the turtle had somewhere to be, because visiting with me wasn't a priority.

See ya later, alligator... turtle and painter turtle!  :-) 

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