Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Prison Attack

Troy had a doctor's appointment in Indianapolis the other day.  He see's a specialist there that no one in our area can replace!  The two and half hour drive was uneventful.

Luckily, the wait at Riley was not as long as the drive to get there.

We arrived early and had forty minutes to take a stroll, roam the halls, and browse the gift shop.

After his appointment, we stopped by our ole neighborhood-- Pendleton.

I headed right to the park!  Come out of the truck and play!  My fish are still here!  Fall's creek was high and muddy from the recent rains. 

But the pond was nice and productive!

Look closely and you can see this poor fish has another hook piercing it's eye socket, and my fly it's mouth. 

Troy ran around at the playground, while I fished, and Glenn played games on his phone.  All of the sudden, I catch a glimpse of some guy feeding the ducks.  This guy looked just like Glenn!  He was even dressed in the exact same clothes as my husband!!  Yet, how is this situation possible, as the Glenn I married doesn't feed ducks!!!  I stopped and stared for a second or two, then reached for my camera to get proof of it.  By the time I was ready to focus in, he had left!!!!

I told Glenn about this mysterious sighting and he just laughed!  What's next, am I gonna spot this husband clone fishing?  I still can't believe he was feeding ducks!!!  Especially after the incident at work last week.

Glenn got jumped at the prison!  He was trying to enter a building and a got attacked! He swung his lunch bag at the attacker, and while trying to defend himself lost his truck keys!  The Emergency Squad was called to come to his aid!  He arrived home late, looking a mess, his slacks were torn and stained.  I knew there was some kind of situation happening at the prison, but not sure what. 

It turned out, luckily, that Glenn didn't suffer any serious injuries and his attacker was a goose!  The goose also took Glenn's truck keys which were later retrieved thanks to the rescue team at the prison!  That place is dangerous!!!!

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