Wednesday, July 27, 2016


We're Going to Disneyland!!!!

The classic Disneyland was the park I dreamt about visiting the most!

Lucky for me, I've now been to Disneyland a couple of times!

Their is something about the quality of Disney that makes this place magical!

We started out in Adventure Land.

The first ride of the day was a nice and easy Jungle Tour!

Incredibly, I remembered this ride from when I visited as a kid!

Troy was a Nervous Neally; probably from the Tower of Terror experience back at California Adventure.

Or, it coulda been due to the piranha infested waters we had to navigate through!

The next ride was totally scary for Troy! 

Pirates of the Caribbean!

The ride was just how I remembered it!  Awesome!

My favorite moment at Disneyland was when Glenn surprised me with a Mint Julep!  It's a refreshing beverage, with a minty zing!  Plus, the kids insisted that it's mouthwash, so I got to drink it all myself!  ;-)

We ate all our meals and snacks inside the park at different places.  Oddly, I didn't take many food pics.  I guess I was hungry and busy eating.  I will say, all the food I tried tasted really good.  In addition, the restaurants were so pretty and comfortable. 

The Haunted Mansion!  Wow, this place is grand! 

My pictures don't really do it justice!  The inside is cool, and definitely haunted!

Even the little kiddie rides, like Winnie the Pooh, were delightful-- such a colorful wonderland!

Glenn was all into Tomorrowland! (there's a shocker)

I'm actually not a Stars Wars fan.  Nor was I a fan of all the changes in Tomorrowland.  I miss my good ole Space Mountain!  :-(

Overall, I was fascinated with Disneyland.  I mean, who doesn't love a place with talking fish!  We rode the submarine! Nemo has been found, btw!  :-)

Oh, the poor seagull on the rock, in the above pic kept trying to wooo the fake, Mine seagulls!  It was rather hilarious!

It's a Small World was so awesome! 

I never knew the song was originally written as a prayer hymn!

It's a Small World was worth having the song stuck in my head for a week!!!  In fact, I think I even enjoyed that too!!!!

I love this ride!  80+ degrees out and we got ice fishing and walruses!

Let's head over to Toontown, shall we?

Toontown is where some of my favorite folk's live!!!

And mostly everything cracks me up here!  Check out Goofy's upside down post office box!

Now, I'm wondering why all these guys need post office boxes, when they have perfectly good residential mail boxes!?!  Well, except for Goofy, Troy accidentally crashed into his mailbox:

Goofy keeps fish in gas tanks!!!

Goofy's house was interesting to say the least!

And check out his goofcrow!

I cold live in this neighborhood, as it's one of my favorite places in the park. 

Did I mention we rode the monorail?  It goes to Downtown Disney and back.  We rode just about every ride, except a few in Fantasyland that closed before we could get to em.

I could have easily spent another day at Disneyland!  There's just so much to see and do there! 

Evening approached much to soon!  We had a delicious supper!

The weather was so nice.  Hub was right about how it feels like you're indoors, even when you're not!  Are the greenbeans greener at Disneyland?  I think they might be!

If I ever get to go back to Disneyland, I'm heading straight for the castle!  I didn't get to go inside it this time, as it closed early!

Way before dusk, people were claiming spots along the streets of Disneyland in anticipation for the Parade of Lights!

I couldn't sit still that long!  We rode rides up until the parade began!

As a result of waiting until the last minute, we didn't have a great view of the parade. 

The lights were bright, even viewing em from the back row!

If I could change anything about Disneyland, I would have to limit the number of guests, or expand the park to accommodate more guests.  Either of those ideas would have made for an even better experience, as the park was packed!

Disneyland brought me back some good memories and gave me plenty of new ones!

I found it amazing to remember so much, like Dad riding Space Mountain with me!  That was my favorite roller coaster for several years!  I think it scared the daylights out of both of us!  :-)

Hopefully, my kids have some great memories that they will get to recall from this day! 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Universal Studios Bus Tour

Greetings from Universal Studios in California! 

My buddy, SpongeBob Squarepants, had fun with the kids during a photoshoot!!!  That Sponge has a great attitude!

The longest ride of the day was the "behind the scenes" bus tour.


The sets of entire cities were cool to see!

It may have been the longest ride, but it certainly was entertaining!

The bus driver's attempts at being funny, were funny, as well as seeing the sites!

Growing up in the era of gravel roads, my sister, Roni, actually drove a Flintstone car!

I didn't get photos of everything, and I can't believe I missed taking pics of the telephone booth yard!  I guess I was in awe of finally knowing what became of all those phone booths.  Just think, if we put em all back, we could have an all time low crime rate, as our Superheroes would finally have a place to change clothes!

Hub tells me it doesn't ever rain in his neck of the woods, but it began to sprinkle!

And then a monsoon hit!

Followed by a massive flood!  All compliments of Universal Studios!  Amazing!!!

Up and around the mountain we went, leaving city scenes behind! 

Universal Studios is it's own city!

We passed scene after scene of famous movie sets!   Jaws!

How the Grinch Stole Christmas!



We probably seen more than we should have here:

The psycho house has the prettiest trim!

After an encounter with King Kong, we were once again heading up the mountain!

Where we witnessed evidence of a plane crash!  Look familiar?

The lengths this industry goes to in order to produce a film is incredible!

That's Show Biz for ya!

I was surprised I was able to recognize as many sets as I did, since there are still so many movies I've yet to see!

The bus tour wasn't all about just taking a bus ride!  We were given 3D glasses and had a couple exceptional, and nearly tragic experiences!!! 

The first was the King Kong encounter and the second was an earthquake while inside a subway tunnel, followed by a flood!

It really was quite the adventure!  Reflecting back on it all, I had felt so inspired to watch more movies!  ;-)