Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Monday -12 Degrees

The morning after the 2014 Snow Storm Jean's car was pretty well buried.  We got about a foot or so of snow, plus lots of drifting.

Several branches were down due to the combination of high winds an heavy snowfall.

Jean got her car out pretty easily.

With a little help from Joe and the payloader.

Yay, her car is free!  The bitter cold temps of negative double digits kept us inside the house for the most part. 

School was cancelled, (for both Monday and now Tuesday too), due to the low temps and icy driving conditions.  This is the vaca a tion that NEVER ENDS, for it goes on and oon my friends.....

I've been trying to help the kids stay busy with a 550 piece jigsaw puzzle and a fort in the dining room.

So far, so good, but I sure do miss them going to school.  And I miss being able to go sledding and play outside.  Double digits in the positive will feel like a summer day comparatively! 

To shorten winter, borrow some money due in spring. ~W.J. Vogel

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