Monday, January 6, 2014

Snow Storm of 2014

I'm hiding out from a bunch of snowball throwing kiddies.  It's perfect snowball making snow out there.


After dodging snowballs and throwing a few myself, it was sledding time.  Jean enjoyed sending her parents down the Slope of Doom.

Yeah, it was more of a relaxing ride down the hill.

And we wiped out Troy along the way.  My kid actually threw himself in the way, so we would use him as a human ramp.  How sweet, hehe.

Meanwhile, inside the house, I had a chuck roast cooking away in the crock pot, for Italian Beef sandwiches.  It's as easy as pouring a bit of Giardiniera in the crock pot, along with a chuck roast on top, sprinkling in Italian seasonings, and filling with beef broth.  Five hours later, it turns into a delicious sandwich filling.

 The kids made a chair.  Troy is trying it out.  They made a snowmom too.  :)

Now it's Glady's turn to try out the chair.

The snowmom has long twig hair, just like... um... me, I guess.   :)

Sledding can be a good workout-- or rather, walking back up the hill 20+ times.

Our neighbors, Laura and Joe, joined the sledding fun. 


Jean's poor car may be getting buried tonight, as we are expecting even more snow along with wind.

In other news, my niece is having twins.  I thought she had a boy and a girl in the oven.  Turns out she is having twin girls.  This is the set I was crocheting for her.  Now, I've set it aside to make two girly outfits.

Since my niece is into botany, I came up with decorating this dress with little snail pockets.  I'm planning on decorating the above, white dress, in a similar fashion, and making a matching beret for it too.

Seeing as how the weather forecast is showing a predicted high of -8, yes, the high.  It looks as though I will have plenty of time inside to crochet over the next day or so.

Stay Warm!

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