Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Three Other Guys I Live With

Burr, mid-January and it's COLD again.  The high today was 25, not too bad.  It was one of those days where I just felt like staying in doors though.  

I started my day off with something I usually don't eat, but really like-- an Egg McMuffin.  No, it's not the real thing from McDonalds.  Rather it is a copycat version using a light whole grain English muffin, low-fat cheese, a poached egg, and turkey sausage.  It was delicious. 

Those Whole Grain Thomas's English Muffins are really yummy.  I had another, in the form of a cheeseburger, for lunch using the George Foreman grill and a turkey patty with cheese.  Instead of catsup, I decided to doctor it up with salsa. 

So, it occurred to me while eating lunch, that I had yet to introduce ya'all to Tommy aka Vanity Smurf.  He is Glady's pet parakeet.  He is a pretty bird and thinks so himself.  His favorite spot is right in front of a mirror; always trying to look at himself.

He's only been with us for a few months now.  By his attitude, I am guessing he is a adolescent, in birdie years.  He seems to be very consumed with himself and tends to backtalk frequently. Hmm.  On the plus side, he now will perch on my hand if it means he can get a better view of himself.  :)

He doesn't seem to mind staying inside his cage, but I like to let him fly.  When he isn't out exploring, he is on the roof of his house visiting with mirror bird.

My sister, Donalea, brought me a cockatiel bird from California back in 1986.  I named him Kep.  He was a very loving bird and part of my life for 6 years until he suddenly became ill and died. He used to say my name every time Mom called me from my bedroom.  He'd repeat, Kris, Kris.  Sometimes he would try to trick me and call me while I was still in my room, but with that Cali accent and all, it never worked. 

Warning:  Before reading any farther, I think it's only fair to mention that this post does contain NUDITY!

Ok, you've been warned!

Meet Patrick and SpongeBob no Pants.  These are Troy's pet African Frogs.

They try to eat everything alive that they can manage to fit into there mouths. They have attempted to eat my fingers.  Nope, it doesn't hurt. These are they worms Troy feeds to them:

Gracie brought them as a gift to Troy over this past summer.  When I first seen them, I thought to myself-- they need little swimsuits.  One of these days, Troy is going to come home from school and both of these guys will be in little Barbie swimwear.

As far as pets go, they are pretty easy going.  I mean as long as they are not successful at eating any of my fingers, or any other body parts, we're good.

Sometimes they will each sit inside there own house.  I asked them to do that today, so I could take a pic of it, but they wouldn't cooperate.  They are funny though, the way they use their hands to dig and eat cracks me up. They do it in an extremely rushed fashion, that implies they have something urgent to tend to.  What busy, nude, creatures!

Okay, we now return to our regular G rated blog.  :)

My niece is having twin girls.  Here are the dresses and matching headbands I made for them:

My tribute to Dustball project, that I now have put on hold due to a painful hand, is coming along  well.  I still have outlining and details to add.

Being out of commission, sort of speak, is rough for me because I really like using my hands.  I am taking a break from weight lifting until after I see the doc, per instructions.  Mainly, I am resting my hand as much as possible in hopes that it will heal itself. 

In the meantime, I am attempting to entertain myself by watching the tv series called Twin Peaks. Also, I decorated the house for Valentine's Day.

I lit a candle called First Snow.   I wonder if they make one called 13th snow?

The kids and I found some decorations on the Disney Family website.  I had planned to cut them out, but even operating scissors is too much for my hand.  Jean and Glenn cut them out for us though.

Tonight's supper was grilled chicken, oven roasted fries, and brussel sprouts.   I ate my chicken on-- you guessed it-- an English muffin.  Was today English muffin day or what?

This is the Minnie we assembled:

And the flowers:

I like the way gelatin looks; the way it's all glossy and transparent.  For dessert we had strawberry gelatin parfaits.  I topped gelatin with cottage cheese and pineapple. 

When I was a kid, K-mart had a cafe inside and I got to eat there with Mom and Grandma.  The one thing I remember them having is a display case of fancy puddings and gelatin desserts.  They would have whipped cream piled high with a maraschino cherry on top, pretty as could be.  

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