Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hungry Bass

Fish are going absolute nuts over the little white spider fly I've been using for the past few days!

I went out to Saxony Lake, had the place all to myself, and the fish were hitting hard!

The spider floats on the surface and fish strike it with serious-- I mean business, attitudes.

Surprisingly, to my delight, I had just as many bass strikes as I did gills.

Although, the bass were all babies, or at best, adolescents.

Still, they were fun to catch and it was non-stop action the entire time.

Even though they were small, they bit like mad.  I kept holding out hope for a big mama or papa bass to strike.

A few of them had rather oddly shaped dorsal fins; not sure what that is all about.

Some were so little n cute. 

The water was fairly clear which allowed me to see the fish approach.

Many times, a bass would just come out of nowhere and strike it while a following gill would still be contemplating what to do.

I don't think I can recall another time when I've seen bass this aggressive hungry.

Yet, to my novice eyes,  none of them looked obviously underfed.

Did I mention, that it was my LAST DAY of freedom?  I mean, the school year has now ended and the kiddies will be attached to my apron strings 24/7.  Yikes! 

Gladys had her bridging ceremony for Girlscouts after school ended on the last day.

I did some fishing at Fall's park and the bass went nuts over the little white spider there as well!!!

I caught me a pretty green sunfish!  I didn't even know what type of fish this was until I posted it on the My Fish Finder forum.

Then I got me another one.  Apparently they like spiders too.

Some of the bass had very sore bottom lips.  I posted an inquiry about that as well.  The consensus was that the bass are feeding on crayfish in the rocks, which is hard on the bottom lip. 

These creek basses may be in need of some chapstick, but at least they were bigger than the Saxony basses.

What I found to be boggling, was that only some of the creek bass had a sore bottom lip. 

Perhaps, the basses with non-sore or less sore lips were new to the area.


After all, that's one of the perks of creek fishing, is that their seems to be new fish coming in on a daily basis, at least in this section with a rather swift current.


Fun, fun, fun!

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