Sunday, June 15, 2014

Salsa and Nachos

Oh what a weekend!  I went home to visit with Mom and have some fun.  Mission accomplished!

I took pics of a few of my favorite trees in the yard.  The one above was my childhood swing tree.  The swing has since been relocated to my sister's house. 

The trees in the side yard are HUGE.  I'd say they are at least 200+ years old.

Mom also has peonies that line the driveway.  They are just so pretty!

The day before I left, I had made a batch of salsa for the trip.  We had yummy nacho's that night for supper.

There is no real recipe that I used for this.  I just fixed toppings I like and went from there.  To begin with I boiled five ears of fresh sweet corn.

While that was cooking, I browned some lean ground beef and added taco seasonings.

Next, I began making the salsa.  Saaaalsaaa-- such a fun word to say!  :)

Freshly chopped maters with lime juice squirted over them, really gives em some zip!

I threw in the onion and cilantro and minced them right up in the blender.  The fresh scent of cilantro makes my mouth water.

Minced garlic went directly into the tomato/lime juice mixture.  Then I added the cilantro and onions.  There is no particular order in which to add these ingredients. Just mix em all together.  Usually I add salt, but I left it out on purpose this time, as the yummy factor was quite high without it.  :)

Now it's showtime!!!  Put down a base layer of tortilla chips; top with taco meat and shredded cheddar.

Prepare the fresh sweet corn to add. Sprinkling on the corn makes these savory nachos a little sweet too.  It's sooo good!

Then add the salsa, top with sour cream and a pepper slice on top.  Viola!  

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