Friday, October 19, 2012

Calorie Cycling

Woooohooooo, I'm losing weight like crazy!  I'm surprised because I've taken a break from running to give my foot a chance to heal.  However, I have still been doing some core strength exercises.  Mainly, the advice I have to offer is what everybody all ready knows: eat well and exercise.  Eating well to me means plenty of fruits and veggies, protein and whole grains.  Their is something I do naturally that seems to be working out well and that is calorie cycling.  That means to change up the amount of calories eaten.  Thanks to it's been rather easy for me to keep track of my calories.  Here's what a typical week of calories looks like:
                                                                        Sunday         1545
                                                                        Monday        1356
                                                                        Tuesday        1875
                                                                        Wednesday   1235
                                                                        Thursday       1780
                                                                         Friday           2200
                                                                        Saturday        1465

As you can see some days I eat a lot, and other days I don't.  Changing up the calorie intake is a good thing because if a person consistently limits the amount they eat than it may trigger the body to go into starvation mode making weight loss efforts more difficult.  Whereas, by changing it up, the body is more willing to let go of the weight.  This, my friends, is what I've been told and what I have experienced first hand.  :)


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