Monday, October 15, 2012

Healthy Pizza

Howdy Everyone!

Yesterday Glenn got to play doctor to my sore foot.  I must have over did the running, for yesterday I woke up and could not walk.  I've had foot issues before and I think it's Plantar fasciitis .  I have bones in my feet that are oddly shaped in the form of a Z, to which the arch tendon of the foot is attached and prone to problems.  Swimming is, and should be, my exercise of choice, but it's just so darned easier to step out the door and run.  Umm, well, it used to be.  Anymore it may not be and I may have to go back to the swimming until my foot gets better. 

For those of you that suffer from a foot problem like this, the icing and elevation does help.  The cooler is not necessary, but I'm a good patient and just do as I'm told. (Sigh, men!)  Stretching, taping, massage, proper support shoes and rest all help too. 

So as I hobbled around the house feeling sorry for myself today.... awww.... I know..... I got in the mood to bake a pizza.  Remember the Cauliflower Crust Pizza that I made back in August?  Well, it was good but I wanted a normal, typical pizza crust, but it cannot be unhealthy.  In fact, the entire pizza needed to be healthful.  I got my thinker going and here's what I came up with: a delicious pizza loaded with herbs, sweetened with corn, staying power with beans, highlighted with cheese and fresh maters. 

Ohhh this was some good pizza. And hey-- it's fairly easy to whip up too.  I mean if this girl with an injured foot could do it...  :)

First, I mixed one envelope of yeast with 3/4 cup of warm water.  Next, I mixed in just over 2 cups of Heart Smart Bisquick. 

The fun part is dividing the dough into two, and kneading it 25 times on a floured surface.  It will become smooth and very easy to work with.  There's something about sinking my hands into dough that gives that really happy feeling. 
Next, I rolled each half out.  I like this part too.  :)   I made bread sticks with the other half.

I mean rustic bread sticks (to be read, she was feeling to tired and just twisted pieces of dough and tossed em on a cookie sheet).

Before and After-- oh these are so tender and chewy:
Back to pizza making.  For the pesto sauce, I tossed a bunch of fresh basil into the food processor with a couple cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, and a bit of extra virgin olive oil.  I spread all of it on the unbaked crust and topped it with sweet corn, black beans and a fresh tomato.
And naturally, cheese!  I used mozzarella cheese. Any toppings that you like will do fine.  Glenn doesn't eat the veggies so this is a pizza for me and the kids.  Besides, he asked me to fix him normal food, aka plain hot dogs. 

Where me, I'm a curious eater.  I like to try new and exciting foods.  Disclaimer:  Unless it contains unknown ingredients or animal parts.

This pizza, for instance, is awesome and I'm glad I tried it!  The fresh taste, gooey cheese, tender and chewy crust, have got it GOING ON in this supper!

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