Sunday, October 21, 2012

October Farm Fun

These past few days I've mostly been sitting at home with my sore foot propped up waiting for it to heal.  However, today I actually got to hobble around one of my favorite places-- a farm.
We started out on a hayride tour to scope the place out.
I'm pretty sure Glenn is thinking-- Why did I come with?  He's not much for being outdoors.
The kids and I had a real good time!
Troy milked a cow!

The animals were fun to feed and pet.

This cute little burro and his mama were sooo sweet.

And the baby chicks!  There was this one little black chick who chased a fly and kept jumping up to try to eat it.  I swear the fly was just tormenting that little one!  It's quite amazing to me how smart they are fresh out of the egg.

Silly goose!

Troy called this a hog roast, seeings how they were roasting themselves under the warming light.

The farm kept the kids busy for awhile.

We seen plenty of tractors too.


Yeeha, Gladys tried her hand at kid roping-- and I don't mean the baby goat kind.
 Unlike the goats, the kids were willing participants.

Ah, Glenn is remembering why he came with now-- to carry out the big pumpkin of course!! 

Troy found his ride home!
He was ready to roll!



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