Sunday, October 21, 2012

Halloween Party

Last night we attended a Halloween Party.
The kiddies even dressed the dog up like a Baby!

Don'tcha love the way Ironman strikes his poses?

Tinkerbell had wing issues, so she took them off.

They had FISHING at the party and our creel consisted of 3 KitKat bars.  Nobody was afraid to take those off the hook!

Ironman's mission for the evening was to put out the bonfire one bubble at a time!

Oh, I gotta tell ya-- this Ironman can dance!  He was hit doing the Moonwalk!

The Shuffle!

And he won prizes for them and for varies other dances of his own design.  The boy has got some RHYTHM! 

This cute little pumpkin was only 9 days old!
Check out those guns on Ironman as he paints a pumpkin!

At the end of the evening, we ventured out on a haunted hayride.

Our guide, the lady in the dress, talked about the woods and a witch flew right over our heads!

After that, some monsters grabbed a boy from the hay wagon and for the rest of the trip the kids were so scared that they all huddled around Ironman on the wagon floor.  When we returned home from the party we had to watch a little SpongeBob to chill out from being soo scared.  :)


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