Sunday, March 30, 2014

French Lick Spring Break Fun

 A few days ago, the kids and I headed to French Lick, Indiana for some Spring Break fun!

We all like the hills down south. 

The kiddies kept calling these mountains:

I've been on this route several times now, and always feel good when I reach Paoli.  It means I'm almost there.  :)

Glenn's buddy recommended we stop at 33 Brick Street for lunch.

I worked on the kiddie menu while my children conversed.

We were super excited to get to the water park. 

With the anticipation driving the kids nuts, our conversations was all about the fun they were going to have!

They ran back to the truck as fast as they could.

Before heading over to the water park, I wanted to check out some accommodations I've been considering for future trips.  Wouldn't it be fun to be Indians for a weekend and sleep in a tepee?

The tepee retreat is called Sleeping Bear.

We toured the place, but had reservations for the night at the Big Splash Hotel.  Poor little turtle.

Driving around French Lick was rather interesting, especially the one lane tunnels.

The kids spotted the water park on top of the hill right away!


I think the slides gave it away!

The water park was really nice. 


We spent lots of time in the lazy river relaxing.

While the kids were out playing a complete stranger asked me if I would look after her newborn baby while she went to put her supplies in her locker.  I must have a motherly look.  :)

One of the best things about the day was the weather.  The sun finally came out and I actually went outside in my wet swimsuit to soak up a few rays.

Here's the view from the top of the hill:

Inside the glass building it was nice and warm.  The roof retracts and opens too.  The first day, they had the roof open for the entire time.

Welcome to the GUN SHOW everyone!  :)

My favorite thing at the water park was the Jolly Rancher Slide.  It's the red tube slide.

The kids like the toilet bowel slide the best.  It's another tube slide-- that swirls it's victims around and round before going down a drain-- like a toilet.  

The second day it was rainy out.  This was the view from our room:

The water park was rather crowded and the roof couldn't be opened until it quit raining.

Troy kept coughing and I took him to the first aid station. 

They told me, sometimes the chemicals and fumes build up too much in the air and cause reactions in some people.

I took him out for some fresh air a few times to see if that would help.

It did seem to help, but only while we were outside.

After coming back inside, he coughed so bad that he vomited.  We left early because of the allergic reaction.  In fact, it was starting to effect Jean and I too, as we both had sore throats and burning eyes.

We couldn't get over how hilly it was there.

We all felt better after getting away from the chemicals, so we went to play some laser tag.  Sorry, pics taken in battle do not turn out so well.

I was on the red team with 8 other people.  The reds had to zap the blues and vise versa.  At the end we all got printed score cards that showed how we did.  It was really fun!  I'm a regular Annie Oakley, but here's a tip for ya-- don't ever wear a white sweatshirt to play black light laser tag.  I stuck out like a beacon in the dark!

After the laser tag, we went to ride the super-fast, indoor, go karts!   

I tried go karting on the drive back to Pendleton, but five minutes after making motor sounds, the kids made me listen to some calming music.  :)

It was a scenic drive back to Pendleton.

On the way back, we stopped at Lake Monroe.

Even though it was rainy, a few boats were out on the water.

We drove around, spotted eagles and other big birds; several turkeys and a few vultures.  The watery swamp land looked like fun.

After driving around the lake for a bit, we found ourselves at Fairfax Park.  That too, looks like a fun place to play.

I'm going to have to come back to Lake Monroe with a boat and fishing gear.

I hope Ya'all had a good Spring Break too!

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Greetings from Indy!  

The kiddo's here are on Spring Break.  Yesterday, we went to Riley Children's Hospital to see a specialist for Troy.  While we were in Indy the kids spotted the People Mover Tram.  One of these days we're going to have to take a ride on that.

We had a quick bite to eat at Noodles.   Troy tried out chop sticks for the first time ever!

It was rush hour when we began to head back to the house.  Luckily, even in the rush hour, Indy's traffic isn't nearly as congested as Chicago's.

I like taking pics of skylines.

A trip to Indy isn't complete unless I visit Fly Masters.  It's my favorite shop in town. 

Glenn prefers all the golf stores.  He's taking lessons at Golf Galaxy and just got himself a new set of Adam's Idea clubs.

I usually do not eat out very often, but it seams like whenever I go to Indy I do.  The Firehouse Subs place was delicious.  I had a healthy Hook N Ladder on wheat.  Yumm.


I try to make healthy choices when it comes to food and going out to eat.  It doesn't always work out that way though. 


 For Girls Night Out the other night, I had Nachos!  At least we all shared. :)

In other news, I repaired the leak in my waders!
 And tested em out, to make sure I've repaired them successfully. 

I think they are good to go!