Thursday, March 27, 2014


Greetings from Indy!  

The kiddo's here are on Spring Break.  Yesterday, we went to Riley Children's Hospital to see a specialist for Troy.  While we were in Indy the kids spotted the People Mover Tram.  One of these days we're going to have to take a ride on that.

We had a quick bite to eat at Noodles.   Troy tried out chop sticks for the first time ever!

It was rush hour when we began to head back to the house.  Luckily, even in the rush hour, Indy's traffic isn't nearly as congested as Chicago's.

I like taking pics of skylines.

A trip to Indy isn't complete unless I visit Fly Masters.  It's my favorite shop in town. 

Glenn prefers all the golf stores.  He's taking lessons at Golf Galaxy and just got himself a new set of Adam's Idea clubs.

I usually do not eat out very often, but it seams like whenever I go to Indy I do.  The Firehouse Subs place was delicious.  I had a healthy Hook N Ladder on wheat.  Yumm.


I try to make healthy choices when it comes to food and going out to eat.  It doesn't always work out that way though. 


 For Girls Night Out the other night, I had Nachos!  At least we all shared. :)

In other news, I repaired the leak in my waders!
 And tested em out, to make sure I've repaired them successfully. 

I think they are good to go! 

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