Thursday, March 6, 2014

Salad, Ham & Baked Beans

Ha, I've reminded my family of this a time or two:


For the most part, my family will eat almost anything I fix if I put enough ketchup or cheese on it.  Tonight's supper was so delicious it didn't need either.  I started things off with a cucumber & tomato salad.  Their isn't a real recipe I use for the dressing, but rather I just eyeball the 3 ingredients. Roughly 1 tablespoon of sugar, a few turns of fresh pepper and 1/8 cup of red wine vinegar. 

Mix those three ingredients and pour over fresh cucumber & tomatoes.  I also tossed in some chives.  My kids and I gobble this salad right up.

Next, I made baked beans, the homemade kind that cook on the stove and simmer for most of the day.  These are another favorite food with my kids.

After the beans were well on there way, I baked a ham.  Ham is one of the easiest meats I know how to fix.  The trick to baking a really nice ham is to keep it moist.  I use a dutch oven baking dish, which has a tight fitting lid to keep in moisture.  Using good quality meat is also key, and should go without saying.  Nothing from a can soaked in meat jelly here- blah. 


This ham came out awesome and practically fell right off the bone.  For a glaze, I use the same sweet sauce that I bake the beans in.  It's another one of those recipes that I just eyeball.  Basically, it consists of tomato sauce, pineapple juice, brown sugar, minced onions, garlic powder, and black pepper.

To go along with the ham n beans, I made scalloped potatoes, using red taters for a change, and baked sweet taters.  What can I say, I'm a hungry girl!

Desert was fresh pineapple.  You didn't think I'd forget desert, did you?  Yumm.

Hope you have a delicious day!


  1. I'd eat all that!!

    Gary K.

  2. You may come over for supper at my house anytime you like!
