Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dog Party & Skating

The quarry is still mostly covered with ice, but it's not stable enough to ice fish.

I went out there to see how it was and did some hiking.

Lately, I've had a houseful of kids, natch.  :)

Jean had Mic over.

Troy had Hayden over.

 I had the neighbors doggie's over.  I enjoy looking after them.  Their little legs are so short!

Sophie and Fatz are in love, but I think it's just Puppy Love.  Bah HA!

 Lola is cuddled next to Mic.  Everyone enjoyed the dog party in the basement!

In other news, the pontoon is out of the barn; a lovely sign of Spring!  I have a few kinks to work out with the motor before it's travel ready though.

The dogs and kids played at Fall's park.

Gladys had her friend, Bella, met her at the park. 

Sophie stayed right at my side the entire time.

We went to Geist Marina to see if they had what the pontoon needed.  While we were there, the kids explored the floor models.  I have a feeling I get super quick service by walking in there with an army of kids. JK  ;)

The kids toured the empty docks most of the time.

And unsuccessful fished for dead fish with a stick.

Geist was still 90% covered with ice.

After we left the Marina, the kids spotted a Play Place!  Troy is almost getting to be too big for it.

For some unknown reason, play places are almost non-existent in this part of Indiana.

They had a blast and supper!

Sunday, I thought my in-laws were coming for a visit, but do to health issues, they didn't make it.  So, Jean and I shopped for a new pair of waders at Dunham's. 

Then we all went to the roller rink.  It was freezing and windy outside.

I skated and skated and got totally wore out-- good exercise though.  Especially the speed races.

I'm not a fast skater compared to the little kids that zip all over the place, but I did okay (and I didn't break anything).  It was a little weird that I was the only person over the age of 20 skating.  Oh well.  Do what ya enjoy-- Right?

Keep ON Rollin!

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