Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Beauty Routine Revealed and My Truck Works!

It's cold again here.  Yesterday, my family and I were all relaxing on the back porch, enjoying the 60 degree weather, when all of the sudden, we all get Winter Weather Advisory Alerts on our phones. 


The kids and I do "Beauty Night" every so often.  I usually give haircuts to whoever the lucky kiddo is that night, and we do our nails.  P. S. If you're a guy, you may wanna skip to the bottom of this post, before the beauty talk gets to be too much for ya.  ;)

Jean picked out this nail color for me, and wearing it makes me feel a bit like Sparkle Barbie. :)

Recently, I was asked about my beauty routine and skin care products I use.  My answer may have been a disappointment as I revealed the answers of Noxzema and warm water.  Yup, nothing fancy, friends.  In fact, I only tend to use Noxzema on days that I actually bother to put on make-up.  Other than that, good ole warm water does the trick.

As for make-up, I have two important reasons why I sometimes wear it.  First, sunscreen is important for me.  I am naturally as white as a ghost, thus I burn easily without it.  Secondly, make-up makes me feel more confident.  On days when I intend to be out in the sun, or have a public speaking event, chances are, I'll be wearing make-up.  This is what I look like with only foundation (and wet hair):

So, obviously, I can't go out scarring folk's, looking all ghostly like that, unless it's Halloween.  To help protect my lips from chapping in the windy weather, I favor good ole Medicated Chapstick.  It actually makes my lips tingle when I first apply it.  For those of you with more modern taste, Eos are a popular lip treatment too.  That's actually what my kiddo's use.  I don't usually do lipstick as it has a tendency to apply itself to my front teeth-- yuck.

Next, let's talk about eye's.  I dislike wearing a bunch of eye makeup.  That's just me.  My eye's have a tendency to feel tired enough all own their own without a bunch of makeup weighing em down.  With that being said, I do like a little color to compliment my natural eye color.  Does anybody know what my eye color actually is?  I'll say it's aquamarine, my birthstone color. (My Birthday is Tomorrow--Yay!)  Sometimes my eye;s look emerald green and other times they are blue as can be.  That's just the way they are and I have never, ever, wore contacts.

Blush is the only other type of makeup I regularly wear.  Sheesh, it looks like I need to be buying some new cosmetics.  Light Heather is the name of this particular shade.  Sometimes I go with a light peach though; just depends on my mood.  Or when I'm really living on the edge, I'll apply both shades.  :)  Seriously-- did you see how pale I naturally am this time of year?

Well, that's it for the makeup.  Let's talk about hair, shall we?  For as long as I can remember, I've used Herbal Essence shampoo.  It smells sooo pretty!!  However, after awhile of using the same shampoo (whatever it is that you use) it can be beneficial to change things up.  Different shampoos cleanse differently.  Plus, shampoo in and of itself isn't as important as thoroughly rinsing and applying conditioner.  Sometimes, I use homemade all natural ingredients to condition my hair.  Usually, I use the store bought stuff which coats my hair with a layer of protective wax. 

I have naturally curly hair and without the protective wax, plus a bit of hair gel, I look like I just stuck my finger in a light socket.  That is to say, I'd have a major frizz afro, if it wasn't for hair products.

Most days, I don't fuss with my hair much.  Usually, I like it best out of my way, either in a ponytail or a bun.   So, there ya have it! 

Now, I really should throw a little something in here for the guys.  Let's talk about trucks.  Specifically, my Chevy Trailblazer.  Awhile back, I was driving down the road and happened to glance at my speedometer, which read zero!!  Actually, the entire panel was not registering any info.  This was new for me, so I pulled in to the local Autozone figuring it was a blown fuse.  The folk's at Autozone couldn't help me, so I went back to the house and looked up the trouble on my computer.

Lemme tell ya, You Tube is a great resource for fixing stuff.  It turned out the panel comes out, not all that easy, but it was doable.  My specialty happens to be taking stuff apart.  The tricky part was to do it without breaking anything.  :) I took the unit all apart and cleaned it up the best I could.  From what I can deduce the problem was caused from corrosion, (it's a 2004). 

After putting it all back together again, calibrating the gadgets, and crossing my fingers, it worked!!!
I was one happy girl!

Nope, I didn't cut my hair off, it's just up in a clippie.   I am soo looking forward to the days of not wearing Under-armor and a wool sweater to keep warm.

Come ON, Spring!!