Friday, May 1, 2015

Porcupine Balls

They are not made from porcupines! :)


Funny story though:  I'm fishing a bit farther down in the creek,

and I'm catching bluegills.

I'm catching all kinds of little fish.

Weird fish too; my buddy Mike thought I might have got a mirror carp. (Oops, it rolled around a bit before I could hold it up.)

All of the sudden, while bringing in a bluegill, I felt a forceful tug on the line!!!

I tried to set the hook thinking--perhaps I have a nice bass.  Then I seen it!!!!

It wasn't no bass; it was a CRITTER!!!!  I watched that critter take hold of my line and it took my fish!

Sooo, totally unrelated to the above critter story, I fixed the classic, porcupine balls, for supper.

Glenn, my sweet husband, made a huge batch of these balls on cooking day.  When it's a bad weather day, of cold weather and rain, I tend to designate it as Cooking Day.  On that day, I cook and freeze all kinds of stuff .  It makes for easy dinner preps.  So, on nicer weather days, I get to spend more time out fishing and less time in the kitchen.  :)

When it's time for a Porcupine Ball supper, all I gotta do is toss em in the crock pot with an easy and rich sauce (4 ingredients) for 4-6 hours.

This is also a great dish to take along and fix while camping.  I like to serve it with mashed potatoes, as the sauce is rich and acts as a delicious gravy.

Porcupine Balls-- I triple the recipe, divide in thirds, and store in separate freezer bags.  Combine the first seven ingredients. Add beef and mix well. shape into 1-1/2-in. balls. (These can now be frozen, if you'd like them for a quick and easy supper.)  When it's time to fix them, combine tomato sauce, water, brown sugar and Worcestershire sauce; pour over meatballs. Cover and simmer frozen balls for 4-6 hours. Yield: 4-6 servings.

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