Sunday, November 18, 2012

Do NOT Try this at Home!

WooHoo, I've survived Gladys 9th slumber party! 
Right after the pinata, and the neighbors rushing over to see what the kids screaming KILL IT, KILL IT were all about (poor Sponge Bob), the kids came in to have snacks.  Troy and I fixed some mini sandwiches and ham roll-ups.  We also set out chips, crackers, fruit and a veggie tray.  The ham roll-ups were a total hit with these kids.  My sister Kim showed me how to make them when I was a kid.  All ya do is roll-up a sweet gherkin pickle with a dab of cream cheese and put a toothpick through it.   Not only is it easy to prepare, but everyone knows that food eaten from a toothpick is calorie-free as well!  :)

The Oreo Ice Cream Cake froze hard as a brick.  We let it thaw for a little bit and after a few party games, it was cake time! 

Cake time rocked!  Everyone LOVED the Oreo Ice Cream Cake.

Things got real fancy after cake time:

We donned princess dresses, had a beauty night and did our nails.  Oh what FUN!

While us girls were busy with beauty night, Glenn and Troy popped us some corn.  Troy is crazy about making popcorn in the air popper!
Everyone settled in to vote on a movies.  Good Luck Charlie it's Christmas and Home Alone Three (Troy's favorite movie btw), both got unanimous votes, so that's what the kiddies watched.
During movie time, I opened a latch hook kit to keep me busy.  Does anyone still do those these days besides me? 

I find it to be somewhat therapeutic.  Especially, while watching movies I've seen multiple times before.  Plus, if I'm busy working this project then I'm not busy eating. 

Most of the girls stayed awake through both movies.  Troy was the first one out about 9 PM, and by the end of the second movie at 11PM two of the six girls were asleep.  The other four girls, including the birthday girl, giggled their way through the night.  I think there was a small window from about 1 to 4 AM were everyone in the house was asleep.  :)  If you like sleep, don't try this at home. 

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