Monday, November 19, 2012

For the Love of Swimming

Can you believe Thanksgiving is just TWO days away?  Gobble! 
I'm as ready as I'm gonna be this year, since today I had another visit with my foot Doc and he ordered me to STAY OFF MY FOOT.  He was so serious this time that he had plans to put my foot in a cast.  I'm not talking one of those that can be taken off and tossed under the bed.  Noono-- he had a real cast in mind.  You know the kind made of plaster that you cannot get wet or remove. 
Anyways, lucky for me, I had expressed my glorious plans of swimming for five consecutive days with my kiddies and the Doc agreed to postpone the cast and re-evaluate my foot in a week.  Phewww, that was a close one! 
In the meantime, he set me up with a brace that I'm to wear all the time, (except in water).  The past six hours I've been wearing it and it feels swollen but, okay.  Such a swollen Footie!
This type of brace provides support for both the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon:
I was rather excited about cooking up a big Thanksgiving supper with all the trimmings here.  So much so, that I was planning it out for earlier this week since I have plans to head north on the actual designated holiday.  This year my slightly less enthusiastic in-laws get to do the cooking.  
In other news, Glenn had his first Bully Prevention Seminar here in Pendleton at the Y tonight.   It was rather disappointing because no one showed up.  I really mean no one.  However, all was not lost because I had invited my buddy, and newspaper editor, Mr. George Price.  He is putting together a video of Glenn and Jean and spreading the word that there is a Y right here in little ole Pendleton!
While those guys were busy making the video, I decided to hop (literally) over to the stationary bike and get some cardio in.
I rode for 10 miles in 30 minutes and sweated like crazy!  That's just what I needed to get me back on track.  Then I hopped over to the free weights and did a little toning.  Oh yeah!  :)

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