Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Taaa Daaaaaa!

Today there is plenty of sunshine out!  Such a pretty day to do an outside project.  Last week I hung up Christmas lights and today I am going to see if I can get them to actually work.

Let me explain: I checked all the stands of lights and replaced any burnt out bulbs before hanging them all over the front of the house.  Then I plugged them into the two outside outlets and OHhhh it was so beautiful all for about a whole three minutes.  Next, I heard a snap, pop crackle and watched as a puff of smoke rose above the outlet.  Apparently, seven trillion or so Christmas lights is too much for two outlets!?!  Who knew?

Armed with two additional extension cords, a new fuse, and persistent will to cause all neighbors to sleep with an eye mask, I sucessfully tackled this project!


In other news, a couple days ago, the foot doc gave me what I consider to be the weirdest treatment yet.  My foot was generously sprayed with (freezing cold) glue.  Then the doc applied a thick felt pad to my arch.  Applied a bunch of bandage and tape to hold the pad and my foot in place. Then told me to keep it dry, applied a gauze sock covering, and said he would remove it next week. 

My toes were glued together!  The first night I woke up about 3:30 AM with severe pain from my foot swelling.  After repositioning my foot to bring the swelling down (resting it on the headboard of the bed) the pain went away, but the next day I could feel the bandage and tape loosening.  I've managed to keep the treatment on all day yesterday.  Here's what it looks like now:

At least my toes are able to move freely once again from the glue wearing off.  This foot trouble has not kept me from working out.  While the kiddies enjoyed a high energy Zumbatonic class at the Y, I got to pump some iron. 

Goodnight Ya'all.


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