Thursday, November 8, 2012

Good News/Bad News

Helloooo!  The good news is.....  drum roll please..... Glenn is officially opening up a taekwondo school at our local YMCA right here in Pendleton, IN.  Which means we get a family membership and all the free classes we can handle!  I really like free stuff.  Gladys was extra excited tonight because she just found out that she is moving up to the advanced gymnastic class.  How awesome is that? 

Now the dreaded bad news.  I'll make this quick and pain free as possible: I'm temporarily crippled, STILL!  My foot trouble got better than worse and now, slowly, it's getting better once again.  The last time I went the doc he told me to rest my foot.  Yeah, yeah, blah, blah blah, then he said, he means use the electric cart at the Walmart rest.  I was like-- well dang!  Even though secretly I think those carts are a freekin blast!  I mean seriously, it's just like driving a very slow bumper car inside a store. 

Here's what I've been doing while staying off my foot:
Yes folk's, that is indeed door knob cozy which I crocheted to match the kitchen curtains, of course.

Before ya'all think this is the most useless cozy ever, lemme explain.  The back door of the house opens up to my itty bitty kitchen where the entryway and fridge share the same space.  Somehow it kinda works, all except for when the door gets slammed open into the fridge, hence, the dent.  So now you know the real purpose of my door knob cozy.  :)

Yup, I put together a foot healing 1000 piece puzzle, (thanks Mom). 
I read a big ole stack of books. Entertained two lovely young ladies, Gladys and her friend, Amy.
Like the make-up?  They just returned from a school party.  Oh how fun to be eight years old!

The latest project is a mitten set and headband.  Plus, I'm working on a scarf I finished it once, but then decided to change up the edging and add some color.  I'm kinda funny like that. 

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