Sunday, November 11, 2012

Salamonie Polar Bears

Ah, a beautiful fall day boating on Salamonie Reservoir.

The weather was pretty sunny and 60 something degrees out.

The awesome Fall colored leaves are quickly landing in the water. 

And today there are more than just leaves in the water. 

 Did I mention the Fall weather here in the Midwest was only like 60 something?

I blame it on the fact that my polar bear kids are used to good ole freezing cold Lake Michigan. 

I must still have a little Florida blood in me, cause I wasn't going in; note the jacket.

When Jean's not tubing, or on the ski board, she's driving.  Oh, one of these days, we're actually gonna do some water skiing-- maybe that'll be next month-- haha.

Check this slide out-- is that the bees knees or what?

I gotta admit it was kinda fun watching people freak out upon seeing my children willingly and repeatedly jumping into the lake.

I casted a few times, to try a little fly fishing while the kiddies played in the water, but the wind was rather strong. No fish for me today, however Gladys caught a nice bluegill from the bank.

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