Friday, May 30, 2014

Snakes and Fish


The other day, the foot doc told me I could do without the boot as long as my foot isn't hurting.  Good news-- the tendon and nerves no longer hurt and I am boot free!  Yay!!!  This is such good news for a number of reasons, but today in particular, the capacity to run if needed was important to me.  For it seemed like a snake greeted me every time I turned around!

I started the day off with a morning hike at Geist Park.  I'm walking along, and all of the sudden, I notice a snaky looking branch.

Oh, I can handle a cute little ole garter snake.

It's the duck chasing, big ones that get to me!  I tried to photograph the snake in water, but it's hard to make out.  Not sure what kind it is, but I'm guessing a blue racer, by the way it looked and acted.

Up north, I'd sometimes see A snake.  Down here, snakes are all over the place and lately I've been seeing several!

They leave their snake suits laying around.

I found several garter snakes sunning themselves on branches of shrubs.  This one was particularly long for a garter and I only got half of him in the pic:

While on this 30 minute hike around the park, I also spotted two water snakes!

Both water snakes were in the swampy tall grass.

Five snakes spotted in 30 minutes!!  Sheesh!  That kind of snakyness makes a girl jump when a plane comes flying by overhead.  :-)


Oh, despite the snakes I did get some fishing in, but was rather flustered.

 I kept looking around, waiting for another snake to say, "Hello!".

Jean and I have a snake quota when we wade fish.  It all started because whenever we would first enter the creek, any creek, we would see a snake!

So, in order to keep focused and keep it together, we came up with a 3 snake limit.  In other words,  we keep at it and don't freak out until we come across 3 snakes.  When we reach our snake limit than we run!

Despite exceeding the snake limit, I did manage to reel in several nice sized gills.  So many, that I decided to bring a dozen home for a fish supper.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Orange Jello Salad

May, beautiful May!!!  

I've enjoyed more days of May weather than I have of any other month.  May always seems to be so full of bright and sunny days that are not too hot nor too cold; just perfect weather.  

Earlier in the month, before I become a sore-foot, the weather here was on the cool side, but not too bad.

A good day for hanging around outside and cloud watching.

A gentle constant breeze was in the air, making the clouds in the sky seem like a movie in an enormous theater.

If you want to know what's on your kid's mind, get him to cloud watch with ya.  Troy has quite the thoughts in that head of his!!!

Here are two horses (between the tree branches, and it might help to squint a little) that just rescued a baby flying dragon:

In the other direction, the garden is now a blank canvas awaiting the artists.  :) 

So far, I've got peppers, tomatoes, and cantaloupe started and ready to plant.  My grandma used to call cantaloupe musk melon.  Also, I remember she used to salt it before eating it. 

The lily's were cut from a place along the road.  They are so pretty!

Well, let's get down to business shall we?  Since the Watergate Salad was a hit, I thought I'd post another one that I was told about-- Orange Jello Salad.

This one is just as easy.  Mix fruit and jello together, chill in the fridge, and mix in cottage cheese and Coolwhip.  The kids loved this salad!!!  The have asked me to make it again several times.  The next time I make it, I am planning to experiment wit different flavors of Jello, but the Orange is REALLY GOOD!!!  Also, it's bright and sunny like a day in May!

Orange Jello Salad

1 (6 ounce) package orange flavored Jell-O® mix 
  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the oranges, pineapple and Jell-O. Mix well and chill for 1/2 an hour.
  2. Add cottage cheese to fruit; stir to mix.
  3. Gently fold in whipped topping; chill and serve.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

The Star-Spangled Banner, by Gladys and Troy

O say-- can you sing?
by the day's early light,
What so proudly we sailed,
at the twin lake's last op'ning.
Whose broad stripes and bright stars,
shine through the previous fights.
O'er the lamb parts we watched,
were so gallantly streaming!
And the rockets' red glare,
the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say-- does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave and the retired?

Happy Memorial Day!

I was woke up by Gladdie this morning, running into the bedroom to tell me she found a baby owl in the yard.  Turned out to be a baby robin learning how to fly.

The kiddo's sang there own version of our national anthem.  Gladys put the retired in there.  I don't know why, but my guess would be because she remembers visiting the nursing home and in her eyes the folks there are not free (as in to leave).

Well, their song cracked me up, and I hope you got a kick out of it too.   What's so funny to me is how they think they are singing it correctly, (except for the retired part). 

Late on the morning of Memorial Day, my family and I took the old speedboat out for the first time this year, (to a place where we could run the motor).  Justin came with us as our guest.

Thankfully, it started right up and ran well all day long!

We boated around on Prairie Creek.

Took a rest in a cove for swim time.

Had lunch under a shade tree on the beach.

Troy forgot his swimming trunks but thanks to his Dad's shoelace, he was able to keep his pants on during water time.

 I reflected on the good memories I have with those who died. 

Remember, if you are sad on this day of mourning for those who have died:  life comes to an end, but with that also comes a new beginning, one of being reunited with God. 

 The day was beautiful!  Literally, I was surrounded by rainbows almost all day long!!!

 I hope to have a new beginning here myself when my foot heals up.

I'm looking forward to doing some water skiing this year.

Here's a funny story, one I'm not technically allowed to tell.  SHhhhhhhh!

Jean and Justin are on the tube together, and Justin falls off.  Wait-- that's not the funny part.

Justin falls off the tube as a certain articular of his clothing also falls off!!!  I took an oath that I wouldn't write about it directly.  Let's just say, he coulda used a shoestring too.   :)


I hope ya'all have plenty of fond memories to recall!

The Boot

Yay, it's Memorial Day weekend!  

Saturday my family and I went out to Summit Lake to enjoy the warm weather and relax on the water. 

I am in pain with my foot--still.  The doc has ordered me to rest it this week, and when I do have to be on it I've got this very hot and clumsy air cast aka walking boot to wear.  Sigh.

I am really trying to avoid another foot/leg surgery if at all possible.  The thing is, I am not the sit at home and rest type of person.  However, sit on the pontoon and eat kind of person-- eh, maybe. 

I made wraps and cucumber tomato salad for a picnic lunch on the toon.

We went for a swim after lunch; including Sophie.  My lil dog loves the water!!!

After lunch was a full agenda of RELAXATION to attend to!

Napping on the pontoon is like being rocked to sleep at night by gentle lake waves.  The occasional screams of happiness from the kids playing; a lullaby sailing me off into dreamland.

While resting on the toon, I didn't wear the boot.  Usually, I either had my feet in the water or elevated over the edge of the boat.  After I took the prescribed pain meds, I was pretty much in zombie mode for the remainder of the trip.

Apparently, Sophie was eager to get back to land.  I think I have flustered her by not fishing.

Jean was very helpful in loading and unloading the boat.  Especially since their was a slight problem with a fuel issue.  It seems as though somehow to much water got in the gas tank.

Glenn did some research on it and took care of the issue with a polisher; a device that attaches to the fuel line and collects the water.

The kids requested a trip to the beach.  So before heading back to the house, we made a pit stop at the beach for some playtime in the sand and water.

Have you ever noticed, after being in the hot sun and then returning to an air conditioned environment at a normal temp, how freezing cold it feels?  

On warm days, I tend to get chills for several hours after coming in from the heat.  Maybe my thermostat is broke.

The next day, Sunday after church, Troy and I went to Fall's Park.  Before I was even out of the truck, Troy comes running up to me with a fish on his line!!!

He was reeling the bluegills in like crazy!

Cast after cast, he kept bringing them in.  He released each one and was so proud of himself!   My job was resting my foot and giving him a hand taking fish off the hook.

I hope to be back on my feet soon.  :)